Cold and Stiff


An old and evil spirit rises from the past on thisalbum. Its name's CROMLECH!
November 20, 2023

Although it could sound as a joke, since I admitted that I don’t know the German Black Metal scene as I should (as a writer), a lot of German acts of the genre are on my hands to review. It’s not a complaint, but such fact helped me do depict the inner features of German Black Metal ways: the greater part of the bands share Old School Black Metal features, but with different personal insights; and not deny the use of keyboards to boost the funeral-like ambiences (always with a feature that can be said as ‘German Black Metal DNA’). It can be felt on the work of CROMLECH, as heard on “Cold and Stiff”. The band (a one man band effort of former DIES ATER drummer, Impurus, who plays as well on ALBEZ DUZ) depicts a form of Old School Black Metal that depicts some different elements into these frost blizzard-like entanglement between guitars, keyboards, bass and drums (a feeling known for the fans of the genre).

Such a musical formula is known, the classic German Black Metal, but with some arrangements inherited of Thrash/Black Metal (as some SODOM-like riffing and harmonies heard on “Blissful Dilusion”) and more, showing that the musical work of CROMLECH doesn’t respect limits or frontiers. It’s really very good to hear, indeed. The production focused on a more handmade and organic sound, what’s natural for the genre to boost the ‘lo-fi’ aspects (as the ‘frying potato’-like guitars). Of course classic Black Metal acts prefer to use such insight to create a link between their work and the fans; and on the case of CROMLECH, things can be understood easily, even with such harsh appeal.

“Cold and Stiff” (a sinister song with evident keyboards parts boosting the darkened feeling it bears in some moments, but soon Black/Thrash Metal riffs appear), “Ash Pillar” and “Blissful Dilusion” (sets of contrasts between classic fast set of tempos and slow paced rhythms are used on these two, where bass guitar and drums shows a simple and solid work), and “Vogelfrei” are the right ones to have an idea of the fire power used by the band.

CROMLECH is an old band (with roots laid before 1994) and took all these years for releasing an album. And “Cold and Stiff” is not a witness of the past, but we hope it can be just the beginning.

8 / 10









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"Cold and Stiff" Track-listing:
  1. Impurus Reditus
  2. Cold and Stiff
  3. Ash Pillar
  4. Blissful Dilusion
  5. Fields
  6. Vogelfrei
Cromlech Lineup:

Impurus - All Instruments, Vocals

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