The Pizza E.P.


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: CRISIX; signed via Listenable Records, […]
By Craig Rider
October 7, 2021
Crisix - The Pizza E.P. album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: CRISIX; signed via Listenable Records, hailing from Spanish grounds - performing Thrash Metal, on their debut EP entitled: "The Pizza E.P." (released September 10th, 2021). Since formation in 2008 (as CRYSYS until 2011); the quintet in question have 5 Full-length albums, 5 singles and their debut EP entitled "The Pizza E.P.". Having been acquainted with this band in excitement to have seen them with the Mad Butchers - DESTRUCTION and the mighty WARBRINGER during the Thrash Alliance Tour; I was immediately disappointed to witness that particular tour in question had been cancelled over the whole Covid-19 pandemic. CRISIX's previous releases "Agents Of M.O.S.H" (released March 9th, 2021), and the last album in 2019 "Sessions #1 - American Thrash" (released on November 9th of that year, and a cover album of American Thrash bands) sees the return of these raging thrashers for more party-esque pandemonium. With "Against All Odds" (released on March 23rd, 2018) being their most recent offering of newer material; 4 tracks ranging at around 11:24, CRISIX return with their new rampager "The Pizza E.P. which arranges an intricately designed formula of some heavy-hitting Thrash Metal developments.

An EP dedicated to ...and pizza for all? Well pizza can be a dish ideal for all metalheads right before a gig or right after; and what better way to dive into a meaty thrash metal assault for a party of mayhem in a blistering barrage frenzy of speedy, trailblazing bounciness. An amplified agility within the opening belter "No Tip For The Kid" clobbers eardrums with throttling laceration, belting carnage and high-octane furocity. Consisting of Julián Baz on vocals; the front man excels at a punky throatiness, where these pipes of shouty yells profusely soar with skyrocketing cords in which showcase old school thrash metal fever enticingly with the bulldozing instrumentation that's just a belting calamity in rampantly rompy maelstrom momentum amongst a crossover grind of slaying impact in which will make you want to break chairs over other chairs, as you wait patiently until the pizza arrives and or cooks itself.

This is evident within "World Needs Mosh"; what else can one do while waiting within that hour of delivery? Mosh like a maniac of course, and this EP was designed for that purpose it would seem. Especially as to how Listenable Records have created a 100 piece limited collector's edition with all the utensils any chef would need for pizza (despite the apron, sadly but you do get a hilarious CRISIX chef hat and a pizza shaped box with the logos on it, random one might think but cool collector's item to own I imagine). Anyway, this next thrasher is the meat and potatoes of this recording. Slamming with insanely barbaric hostility as (especially within the very short "Raptors In The Kitchen") guitar lead shredders Albert Requena & Marc Busqué "Busi" engage on a dexterously ferocious rampage of rapidly swift nimbleness; organic piledriving substance that rips with volatile firepower expertise amongst a chiselling stomp on audible bass from Pla Vinseiro who thumps his axe with steely precision and flickering thuds on sturdy velocity.

Overall concluding this strident rev with the crunchy but catchy immensity of "It's Tough To Cook A Song"; where the rambunctious hammerings from battering drummer Javi Carrión smacks the set with groovy execution, injecting a infectiously venomous slab of solid slams which distil a fun-driven exhilaration that as a kitchen assistant...all this would be forbidden within those premises... "The Pizza E.P." is a fun strife of voracious viscerality that jumps with punchy strikes to cook the meanest, tasting pizza that mankind has ever conducted. CRISIX would be the pathogen within the kitchen but under stressful work situations that I can personally concur for, this would definitely be the EP to blast out under such conditions for a brief moment of fun if things got too much!

Bottom line, a bizarre title yet a coherent one as pizza can be defined as the metalhead's food of choice. An enjoyable discovery full of kitchen fueled havoc, chugging frolics (and beer) and galloping vehemence that relentlessly stampedes with tight yet ruthless weight. An entertaining spin that's worthy of replaying a good handful of times - do check it out, grab a beer and a BBQ pizza - your soul & neck will thank you.

8 / 10









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"The Pizza E.P." Track-listing:

1. No Tip for the Kid
2. World Needs Mosh
3. Raptors in the Kitchen
4. It's Tough to Cook a Song

Crisix Lineup:

Javi Carrión - Drums
Marc Busqué "Busi" - Guitars Lead
Albert Requena - Guitars Lead
Julián Baz - Vocals
Pla Vinseiro - Bass

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