

A band from Chile? Till now, the only one I knew involved in the wider […]
By Grigoris Chronis
September 15, 2005
Criminal - Sicario album cover

A band from Chile? Till now, the only one I knew involved in the wider Metal scene was Tom Araya! Cool... Let's try and write a review 'bout a band I know nothing about. At least, it'll be objective enough. I guess...
It surely must be hard trying to get your name to be heard from the 'bottom' of South America. Still, Santiago's Criminal seem to be around a fre years already. The band's second album, Dead Soul (1999), managed to sell the respected amount of 10,000 copies pushing the band's reputation to a higher level. It's good to see these sales from 'elusive' bands; fans do not lose their faith for anything cool that might come out.  Leader Anton Reisenegger relocated in the U.K. in 2001, and things went pretty good onwards. No Gods No Masters (2004) was ballsey and the 'attachment' of longtime bassist Juan Kato Cueto sparked a flame of brutality, straightforward tunes and hope for a better future.
Produced by Andy Classen, Sicario presents this 14+ year old extreme Metal act in an amalgam of Thrash/Death frenzy with non-conformist lyrical themes, supported by the great drumming performance of  Zac O'Neil. Still, I found the melodies (sic) not that 'individual', influenced by both the Chaos AD days and some of Sweden's new Death Metal academy (Darkane etc). There's also some of Slayer and Kreator here and there... Anton has a 'safe' - for the genre - voice and the guitar work is surely good, but could be better. Interesting riffs, spare melodies but nothing surprising...
Sicario stands for 'assassin' - if my resources are trustworthy - and Criminal's music heads that way. But there's more road to follow and I don't know how hopeful this is for a band that started dreaming of success - any way they want it - in the early 90's. Recommended to the diehard Thrash/Death fans.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Sicario" Track-listing:

Rise And Fall
Time Bomb
Walking Dead
The Root Of All Evil
Shot In The Face
The Land God Forgot
Preacher Of Hate
Touch Of Filth
From The Ashes
Por La Fuerza De La Razon
Self Destruction

Criminal Lineup:

Anton Reisenegger - Vocals & Guitar
Rodrigo Contreras - Lead Guitar
Juan Kato Cueto - Bass
Zac O'Neil - Drums

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