Lady of the Lake

Corte Di Lunas

I was incredibly excited at the opportunity the review Italian band CORTE DI LUNAS after […]
By Claire Taylor
April 5, 2015
Corte Di Lunas - Lady of the Lake album cover

I was incredibly excited at the opportunity the review Italian band CORTE DI LUNAS after I found out they were classed as Celtic Folk Rock, which is right up my street, to say the least, whether it's Rock influenced or not. From the first minute I listened to the first track from "Lady of the Lake", I knew that this would be a great listening experience to Zen out my afternoon.

There are so many elements to this album that I absolutely love. For example, Giordana's beautiful voice, which fits the style perfectly, the unusual instruments which I shamefully had to look up, and the catchy melodies. I was surprised to find out that they are Italian, as I wouldn't associate Italy with this Celtic sound. When I think of Celtic Folk Rock, I automatically think of DROPKICK MURPHYS and FLOGGING MOLLY, however CORTE DI LUNAS have a much more raw approach to Celtic Music, upholding almost a Pagan vibe.

The second track on the album, "The Moon", was the perfect song in my eyes, as it started off with some great guitar work then came with, what I can assume, was Bagpipes to remind us of their Celtic foundations. I have to give credit to each band member, as I can tell their inputs are all needed to make this band what they are. The drumming is just the right amount of force along with the guitar squeals in "Valhalla". The main vocals of Giordana remind me slightly of Tarja Turunen from NIGHTWISH, but much more raw and accented. I really enjoyed the involvement of the Bouzouki, an Instrument from Greece that resembles a Lute. "Lost in Fairyland" was easily the most enchanting track, yet very surprising. The bass plays a large part in this song and I loved the subtle use of the Didgeridoo for a much more unique sound. I never thought I'd be writing that! The best track on the album for me was without a doubt, "Stone in the Sand" because it has every aspect of this genre that I look for. Fast paced energy contrasted with beautiful vocals and Folk instruments made me an instant fan. This track certainly took a much more energetic approach than the previous tracks. I always appreciate bands that use as many instruments as possible, yet make them work, and after listening to this album, I can only give them full admiration for doing so.

I really enjoyed listening to this band and all I can say is that I would love to see them live!<

10 / 10


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"Lady of the Lake" Track-listing:

1. Fire and Ice
2. The Moon
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Valhalla
5. Lost in Fairyland
6. Stone in the Sand
7. Ys
8. Light
9. The Circle

Corte Di Lunas Lineup:

Giordana - Vocals, Percussion
Coghy - Bagpipes, Bouzouki, Bass, Vocals
Manuela - Vocals, Flute, Bagpipes, Percussion
Thomas - Guitars, Didgeridoo
Rango - Bass, Bouzouki
Rick - Percussion

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