Starlit Flame II


Working in the field of electronic music is not foreign to me. Never was, really. […]
By Zakk Belkin
November 10, 2014
Coraxo - Starlit Flame II album cover

Working in the field of electronic music is not foreign to me. Never was, really. I am a DJ myself, and I play synthesizers and enjoy programming as well.  However, this is only the second band, Alongside THE ALGORITHM, which mixs Metal with electronic music, and make it sound great.

Hailing all the way from Tampere, Sweden, this are CORAXO. However, I  was disappointed from the mix of the music- Traditional, Kicking Death Metal alongside Modern synthesizers - it didn't fit much for my feel, though - the music is amazing and meaningful as well - they did here a great job.

The EP starts from a Synthie instrumental song, and then evolves into weird, new modern Death Metal like I've never heard before. It felt for me like it was not in place, alongside with a "Wow, that's something new. And if I open up my mind, I'll actually find a connection between the old Death alongside the modern Electronic Dance Music in it. This review is rather short, but to be honest - I can't judge it much. It's for you to hear.

7 / 10


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"Starlit Flame II" Track-listing:

1. Aditus
2. Lanterns
3. Tangier
4. The Bastion
5. The Citadel
6. Ghosts

Coraxo Lineup:

Ville Kokko - Bass
Ville Vistbacka - Drums
Tomi Toivonen - Vocals, Guitars, Programming

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