Gods By Design

Without the foundation of technology, country crossing projects would have been unimaginable. Due the mankind's array of advancements in various areas that aren't necessarily concerned to its own self destruction, musicians from different countries can create projects of music to share their ideas. It has been going on for some time now, yet I wanted to emphasize the blood spitting process of this kind of undertaking, which is far from being easy even if the physical obstacles were broken. When I reached the duo musical outfit of CONTROL/RESIST, I found a highly talented German guitarist named Alex Hellenbach, currently based in Croatia, and FEAR FACTORY / MALIGNANCY's starring drummer Mike Heller, contemplating upon the essence of Thrash Metal, conspiring to further develop its qualities further. Arguing the the technological future, even with the musicians' current ability to produce their material through the same means, won't be as friendly as we might think, "Gods By Design" took shape and out it went into the world to witness and listen to its feverish lament.
CONTROL/RESIST, other than being the platform of free musical expression as the dossier that I read stated so clearly, is a mini collaboration of vocal stars such as Jason McMaster (WATCHTOWER / DANGEROUS TOYS / EVIL UNITED), Tim Aymar (PHARAOH / CONTROL DENIED), James-Paul Luna (HOLY GRAIL) and Vince Levalois (PROTOTYPE / PSYCHOSIS). When it comes to the right selection of guests, especially after listening to these guys in action, Hellenbach & Heller knew what and who they were inviting to such an enterprise. Through the variety of vocal ranges, I could establish the many faces that this EP displays as the theme played out. On the other hand, dissimilar to my perspective towards the lyrical point of view, my outtake of the music led me to find something that is more or less traditional when it comes to the genre.
Surely that when I noticed the technological themed madness behind "Gods By Design", I thought to myself that it might be a freaky ride all the way. Nonetheless, the songs that I listened to paved the road to influences that I could gather to be of MEGADETH meets ANNIHILATOR with a few HADES elements, mostly the American meets Canadian shindig. Believe me that I didn't mind at all. The creativity behind the songs didn't signal the utmost progression, though Heller mastered the skins like a champ with some enticing drives, yet rather came out with a slightly off the charts straightforwardness, clasping the basics of Thrash for a little bit to keep a certain flowing balance. Songs such as the somewhat Bay Area "Evolution Digitized" and the nearly KING DIAMOND like "Deceived", established a wonderful mash of the tradition of Heavy Metal and Speed / Thrash deliveries, the songwriting is solid enough to come back to them time and time again while immersing in the innovative head on riffery and devouring rhythm section. "Darkness Owns Your Soul" appeared to be a fine opener, quite skillfully crafted, while its follower, even with McMaster's howls and screams, just seemed lost in the fog but generated a few nice segments.
This is certainly a project that I would like to see heading forward, and recording a full length album, even forming a full band one day. This EP holds strong and tight material composed by two talented musicians, even if not perfect, it will be close enough soon.
7 / 10

"Gods By Design" Track-listing:
1. Darkness Owns Your Soul
2. T.C.E.
3. Deceived
4. Evolution Digitized
Control/Resist Lineup:
Mike Heller - Drums
Alex Hellenbach - Guitars
Petar Makar - Bass
Tim Aymar - Vocals (Track 1)
Jason McMaster - Vocals (Track 2)
James-Paul Luna - Vocals (Track 3)
Vince Levalois - Vocals (Track 4)
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