Thy Kingdom Come


CONTRACRASH is a German Heavy Metal band - starting out in 2004 - they have […]
By Gil Lecht
February 9, 2015
Contracrash - Thy Kingdom Come album cover

CONTRACRASH is a German Heavy Metal band - starting out in 2004 - they have toured quite a bit and released their first album  "Goddamn Planet" which received good criticism.
"Thy Kingdom Come" is the band's second album. The album has a definite biblical flavor in some of its lyrics - also in the name of the album and the names of the songs - if you did not notice by now. One thing that is sure after listening to this album - nothing in this album is Christian.

The overall sound of "Thy Kingdom Come" combines a very modern and groovy melodic metalcore tone with more old school eighties thrash sounds, something that comes into play with songs like "What If", a straight up and honest to heart metalcore song. Of course, the band doesn't shy away from other influences: "Thy Kingdom Come, Pt. 1" combines both groove metal with some straight up doom metal, This album also leaves metal for a while with "With Fingers Crossed" - an emotional and genuine ballad - strings and guitar accompanies Andy Ritter's gentle singing. The album returns to metalcore soon after with "The Final Curtain" which actually begins like a New-wave-of-british-heavy-metal song - but soon turns back into metalcore. "Higher Power" is very rhythmical and epic in its atmosphere - orchestral in enforcing the mood in sync with the band. Andy Ritter continues to shine with his dynamic singing - being able to switch from glistening clean singing to aggressive, throaty growls.

Oh, did I forget to mention the 22-minute long ending track? Feels like the album doesn't want to let us go just yet. "Ashes To Ashes" slowly builds up into a steady groove and jumps into a slower chorus. Listening to this song you start to appreciate every instrument in this act: The guitars provide chunky riffs along with some shiny, ringing melody - The drums are big and bombastic and the orchestra makes the atmosphere just a lot more epic - letting you to get consumed by it.

"Thy Kingdom Come" is an excellent release for the metalcore scene, being big and atmospheric yet heavy and cutting deep. CONTRACRASH have used their resources to create a fantastic album that will not go unnoticed - and will give them an amazing push in the scene.<

8 / 10


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"Thy Kingdom Come" Track-listing:

1. How It Feels To Burn
2. Thy Kingdom Come, Pt. 1
3. What If
4. He That Is Without Sin
5. Cast The First Stone
6. Enter My Game
7. With Fingers Crossed
8. The Final Curtain
9. Romans 13:1
10. Higher Power
11. Born To Survive (To Stand, Fall & Rise)
12. Ashes To Ashes

Contracrash Lineup:

Andy Ritter - Vocals
Sven Fischer - Drums
Boris Müller - Bass
Philipp Ettwein - Rhythm Guitars
Matt Carviero - Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Keyboards, Programming

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