A Clearer View


Conspectus, talking about fresh new, with umbilical cord untouched yet, smells like a newborn toddler. […]
By Val Smirnoff
October 27, 2014
Conspectus - A Clearer View album cover

Conspectus, talking about fresh new, with umbilical cord untouched yet, smells like a newborn toddler. As I listen to the first track, calm and beautiful acoustic guitar with light percussion which in a 1:00 speeds up its rhythm, but stays in acoustic manner in a 01:29 distortion comes in to dirty up the acoustic aura.

The first song opens with the same melody as the intro in the first track, the furious shout of the lead singer Nikolai Svorte is quite impressing at first, but later on his voice is crashing and failing a little bit, special with continuous shouting, I know as a metal fan, with long year of listening to this genre live or recorded, you can fail your voice a bit, sometimes live, it happens, but when you record yourself, you should make it perfect. Something about this song in genres annoys me, the chorus is a bit too kitschy, it's like a pure mainstream, forced to be a sold out single. It is jumpy and fun, but too familiar to the ear, it's like you've heard it before so many times in so many other bands.

We continue to the second song, 3rd track, melodic and fun, ARCH ENEMY like opening, but still, the vocal leader should work on its vocal abilities, he has it's great moments, but then he crashes, it is crucial to know your limits, for not to crush on them. And still the second track just like the first one, mainstream and kitschy, if there's a reason to compare a band to one of the giants, it's because they trying to sound like it, and there's a big difference between an influence and to be "sound like".

The 3rd song "Beyond The Count Of Grief", 4th track, actually pretty groovy, have to put a bit thumb for that, a bit thrashy and faster, but still melodic. Actually I liked it much more than the first and the second song, "Separated" and "Dishonored". Simple and groovy both, energetic and fun, great song.

The 5th , one of the longest tracks in the EP 5:26 , nice opening, very melodic, at 2:50 the rhythm slows down as acoustic guitar comes into make the atmosphere more dramatic, it transforms to fasten drum and guitar with whispering becoming a long shout, and as I said before, you should know your limits in this kind of vocal performance, this part is very crucial to the song, as it trying to be dramatic, and it happens to be so, the unstable voice, makes the whole professional pattern looks amateur. It's a waste of an awesome track, and it is an awesome one.

The 6th track is very casual, it happens to be very important in every dramatic situation, to calm down the spirit, to have that kind of casual mood. It is there just to fill in space, it is important for this track to be there, to fill the empty space after a big drama. Although it's officially their first single, as it is, it's very powerful song, but as a sequence to the previous track, it serves its purpose to fill the mood.

This EP has its thing with big openings, I got confused actually, I thought that the last track is some kind of outro maybe, acoustic calm and beautiful, but it's like the intro and the first song together, it is different but in almost the same pattern. Have to say it less kitschy but still too mainstream, with slight elements of Metalcore.

To summit this EP I have to introduce the band first, but wait, there's barely info available about the guys, the facebook page is almost empty, has the EP Promotion and a small list of influences joined in june 2014, Genre: metal, and that's all full band members names web site and email. The web site has a little information also, but the first thing before you know something about this guys, you see the EP merchandise. If I wasn't be informed before the review, I'd no clue that they are Norwegian.

As I opened the review, they are so fresh you can smell it.

For me it looks like they made this EP just to make some money, the EP itself is very good for new pair of ears, it's clear and kitschy, it's pattern is very well produced and professional. But I don't think that people like me will buy this because I grew up listening to bands they trying to sound like. The tunes are raw and very familiar, but though they have a huge potential, I would look up to their live shows, they should be amazing on stage.

They have much more to grow up to, and they sound very talented but not original, yet it is ok for a new band first to show their skills and then get big but those guys make it different, and not, I might say for their benefit. They are like an infant that tries to run when it still crawls, they'd just start walking and they are trying to fit in their fathers' shoes already, this kind of ambition has not to be taken for granted, because it might get the wrong impression.

 The EP includes seven tracks and was produced by Fredrik Ingebrigsten (AMIRA) and mixed/mastered by Chris Clancy (MUTINY WITHIN). Josh Middleton (SYLOSIS) is Responsible for the artwork, which is amazing by the way.

7 / 10


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"A Clearer View" Track-listing:

1. A Clearer View
2. Separated
3. Dishonored
4. Beyond The Count Of Grief
5. Embark Upon The Hurricanes
6. From Innocence To Guilt
7. Ghost

Conspectus Lineup:

Nikolai Svorte - Vocals, Guitar
Elias Birkeland - Guitar
Henning Flisnes - Bass
Markus Svorte - Drums

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