Concrete Winds

Concrete Winds

Dissonance and chaos are key to the sound of CONCRETE WINDS, as well as the ability to unsettle the listener, away from the conventions of music as you thought you knew it. There are structures, but they are very loose, and the entire album feels like it is going to unwind at some point, but it hangs on.
September 25, 2024

From Bandcamp, “To all death metal lunatics and black metal psychopaths left out there in this toothless and tamed scene, let us proclaim the word. CONCRETE WINDS are back to push spikes, needles, and barbed wire into your flesh and ears. Once again, the noise aggressors slit the veil from beyond and step into our world to pillage and hound to death all what was known, predictable, and comfortable in metal music. Their third album is self-titled for mandatory reasons and shows the band furthermore exploring the EXTREME in extreme metal. This truly is rabies set to music.”

The album has nine songs, and “Permanent Dissonance” is first. From the first note, it is impossibly thick, fast, and spastically chaotic. There is a very loose structure to the music underneath all of the dissonance and pig squeals, and the vocals are intense throughout. “Virulent Glow” is another burner from start to finish, featuring some of that same chaos and dissonance. The songs are short because they have to be…overstimulation could cause your mind to break down, literally. “Infernal Repeater” is thick and meaty slab of Death and Black metal poured directly into your throat. You swallow hard, because you know the effect it will have on your stomach. Once inside, it guts you the inside out.

 “Subterranean Persuasion” has a little more structure at first, but it slowly erodes until only the edges of the shape remains. The lead guitar parts are almost hypnotic in their delivery, albeit not in sync with the riff. “Hell Trance” is another that rattles the listener from his head down to underneath the ground. “Systematic Distortion” is another convention challenging song that takes the genre from acceptable to objectionable. The sound is so intense and brutal that it beats you over the head even after you are dead. “Demented Gospels” is another insane song that almost loses its footing. “Pounding Devotion” closes the album, and it feels like the last gasp of breath from a dying man.

Dissonance and chaos are key to the sound of CONCRETE WINDS, as well as the ability to unsettle the listener, away from the conventions of music as you thought you knew it. There are structures, but they are very loose, and the entire album feels like it is going to unwind at some point, but it hangs on.

8 / 10









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"Concrete Winds" Track-listing:

1. Permanent Dissonance

2. Virulent Glow

3. Daylight Amputations

4. Infernal Repeater

5. Subterranean Persuasion

6. Hell Trance

7. Systematic Distortion

8. Demented Gospels

9. Pounding Devotion


Concrete Winds Lineup:

M – Drums

PJ – Guitars, Vocals


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