

CODE is a Progressive/Post-Rock band based out of the United Kingdom, with a mission of […]
February 19, 2015
Code - Mut album cover

CODE is a Progressive/Post-Rock band based out of the United Kingdom, with a mission of delivering their own take on Black Metal, as they wanted to hear it. "Mut" is the band's fourth album and contains nine tracks. "On Blinding Larks" leads off the album. It's a pensive, lamenting piece that reeks of darkness, doom and dissonance. "Undertone" whispers with suspense in a slow, eerie harmonic fashion and with a moody, emotional quality. "Dialogue" is a bit of a longer track. Twin vocal harmonies that hush softly over a bed of acoustic guitar and tom-tom percussion quickly turn to all out agony, and a fitting lead passage seals up the sound. Singer Wacain also uses spoken word passages, detailing the story with both techniques. "Affliction" carries a similar feeling. Low swirling mists nip at your feet as you pass through a solitary path in the forest on a cold morning. Once again, melody takes a back seat to the dissonant chords of the guitars, and there are long passages of atmospheric mood. The angst vocal passages however, put more of a stamp on the darkness of this song. "Contours" is another introspective sort of number. At times the chord progressions almost remind me of the way a lot of Jazz music is created, by just "jamming in a stream-of-consciousness" type of approach, where the final direction isn't determined until you reach it. "Island Sea" has a more hastened sound, where the quick cymbal hits hold a feeling of suspense and something to come. The use of minor guitar chords throughout support this, and this is full on darkness. "Cocoon" by contrast has an almost swinging rhythm to it where THE CURE meets INXS in a cold, sterile room. "Numb, an Author" is a little more wide open with its presentation. There is a little more conventional song structure, though much of it happens behind the scene. "The Bloom and the Blast" close out the album, with an opening blast of short chords where you cannot easily find the meter. Following that, there is a real outpouring of emotion in the chorus section.  The band purports that they have "defied categorization since 2002." I would have to agree with them in this review. There are elements of many different sounds presented here, and taken as a whole, there is no way that I can accurately describe their sound here, other than to say that it is uniquely theirs.<

7 / 10


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"Mut" Track-listing:

1. On Blinding Larks
2. Undertone
3. Dialogue
4. Affliction
5. Contours
6. Island Sea
7. Cocoon
8. Numb, an Author
9. The Bloom and the Blast

Code Lineup:

Aort - Guitars
Andras - Guitars
LORDt - Drums
Syhr - Bass
Wacian - Vocals

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