In a World Of Flesh And Blood
March 5, 2015

Two butchers from Germany and Turkey from Hamburg, in 2013 formed COAGULATION. During this year, they recorded the first EP, "In A World of Flesh and Blood". Their work is a 14 minute long technical death metal beauty. Let's split this baby it into prime factors.
It starts disturbingly. The first track is a 2 minute long intro, made of subtle, repetitive clean guitar picking and subdued distorted chords. After the halfway point, the guttural growls appear. My first impression is it's really good and ominous. Then we taste the brutality. Christoph roars like a bulldog and the growling sounds deep and threateningly. In some parts it turns into stertorous yell, but remember, guitars also sing. The bass guitar shines bright and is a main tool of melody and brutality in this album. We're able to catch some treats. Let "The Gates of Hell" be an example. After the heavy verse, we listen to a melodic riff, which is being interrupted by really nice classical bass arpeggios. Similar licks can be found in every song. The pace is variable and the technical shredding intersperses with a bit slower, solid death metal bridges. The drums were programed by Onur. A real drummer is almost impossible to counterfeit, but he did a great job. The production is raw, without all unnecessary additives and all the instruments are balanced. Nothing spectacular here, but the clean sound allows us to admire the riffs and all the tech-stuff. The sad thing is that we spent so little time "In A World of Flesh and Blood". After listening to the intro, I thought that this work would be subtler. It is raw, savage, and technical. Don't mind because the whole melody was made by our Turkish friend; the style is specific, typical death metal with strongly standing out in the foreground bass, all in technical envelope. A pretty nice and impressive debut. This duet deserves some more attention.
8 / 10
"In a World Of Flesh And Blood" Track-listing:
1. Spirits of Hate
2. Obsessed to Rancid Flesh
3. The Gates Of Death
4. Rotten Requiem
5. Unmercifully Cremation
Coagulation Lineup:
Onur Burgaz - All Guitars, Bass
Christoph Madarasz - Vocals
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