Inhaling the Infestation

Once more: when trying to play any Old School Metal genre you want, you must have an open mind, because it’s an exigence to have a personal outfit. It means that, even following the steps of anyone, you must do it on your own, to put out what’s in your own heart. And if it sounds like a copy, you have two choices: to accept such stigmata under your music, or try to do something. And the North American quartet CHUNKED must take providences to sharp their music, because “Inhaling the Infestation” is extremely primitive. The songs were recorded only on three days (well, VENOM did such thing on “Welcome to Hell”, and MOTÖRHEAD on only one day on “Overkill”, so there’s no problem on doing things on such way).
The whole sonority seems to be like the early releases produced by Scott Burns: aggressive and distorted (due the overloaded instrumental tunes used on the guitars), but thing a good level of definition, and it’s good. But the art for the cover seems to “Shadows in the Deep” (of the Swedish pioneers of UNLEASHED). Musically, the band prefers to have a slower approach on Old School Death Metal, and it’s not a sin to say that the inspirations to their music comes from the era between the release of “Seven Churches” and “Scream Bloody Gore” and the coming of the Second Wave of Death Metal. But unfortunately, the ideas are good, but not worked as they must, because the music here is extremely cliché. There are better ways to work in such trench.
There are some good ideas and arrangements on “Pulsing Excrement”, “Liquid Cranial Detonation”, “Concrete Veins”, “Inhaling the Infestation”, “Putridity” and “Submerged in Rotten Sewage”, but the band is haunted by its own influences. It’s like living on a comfort zone created on the past by DEATH, TERRORIZER, MASSACRE and others, a thing that they really don’t need. Better luck on the future.
CHUNKED has a very good set of musical ideas, it’s just a matter of building something better (and their own) in the future. For now, “Inhaling the Infestation” is far from the acceptable.
6 / 10
Had Potential

"Inhaling the Infestation" Track-listing:
- Pulsing Excrement
- Liquid Cranial Detonation
- Concrete Veins
- Inhaling the Infestation
- Putridity
- Submerged in Rotten Sewage
Chunked Lineup:
Arian Mauk - Vocals
Dustin Mauk - Guitars
James Stone - Bass
Cole Taylor - Drums
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