Here Before

Chron Goblin

Representing the great white north via Calgary is CHRON GOBLIN. The band formed in 2009 […]
By Dave Nowels
September 10, 2019
Chron Goblin - Here Before album cover

Representing the great white north via Calgary is CHRON GOBLIN. The band formed in 2009 and have been recording and gigging ever since. "Here Before" is the band's fourth release and is being released and distributed by Grand Hand Records starting September 27th.  "Boogie-infused facepunch rock and roll" is what the four-piece powerhouse calls their brand of expression, and that's rather fitting. Lots of swagger, lots of muscle is to be found here where the desert meets the mountains. Out here, one has to project confidence and carry a mighty riff. That's exactly what CHRON GOBLIN does here.

"Aurora" intros into "Oblivion", and immediately the band casts forth it's most formidable weapon.    A truly wicked, nasty riff that carries in it's back swing arc the fuzz factor scaled up to "11". This remains a constant through out "Here Before", and it never wears out it's welcome. Purdy's guitar tone and chord structure is of the type that makes still aspiring bands drool. The song themes ("Ghost" and "Giant" for example)  carries with them a heaviness of shadow; a darkness that while is still welcome, still keeps you wondering what's just out of reach in those shadows.

The talent here is impeccable. The compositions and structures are complex, clean and polished. Each member shines in their given opportunities, which are many. Whittingham's percussive fury unleashed on "Giving Into Fun's" 3:13 mark, or Hepp's snaking bass runs throughout "War" that grounds, yet still manages to propel the intensity of the song. Sandulak's vocals are dripping with a perfect dose of reverb throughout and actually accentuate the vibe the music carries. Weirdly, this seems to be a rarity rather than commonplace in the general genres these days.

"Slipping Under" fully discloses the KYUSS influences, and while it really wasn't secretive in the previous songs, it really becomes apparent here. But make no mistake, the band doesn't simply take on this influence and rest on their laurels. Hell no. They manage to up the game, retain their influence and individuality. It's impressive and welcome; essentially an oasis in that barren desert of fuzz. The formidable one-two punch of "Little Too Late" and "Waiting" essentially close out the fabulous riff driven surge we've ridden for the past 40 minutes give or take, before "Afterglow"the mirror-like bookend of the opening intro puts this one to rest. With "Here Before", CHRON GOBLIN have given us a ambitious album that should please the most discerning Desert/Stoner/Psych fans. Don't miss this one.

8 / 10









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"Here Before" Track-listing:

1. Aurora
2. Oblivion
3. Giving In To Fun
4. Out Of My Mind
5. Ghost
6. War
7. Giant
8. Slipping Under
9. Little Too Late
10. Waiting
11. Afterglow


Chron Goblin Lineup:

Josh Sandulak - Vocals
Devin 'Darty' Purdy - Guitar
Richard Hepp - Bass
Brett Whittingham - Drums

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