

These guys are rewriting Brutal Death Metal and bringing it back to what it should be.
March 20, 2025

Since the coming of SUFFOCATION, MORTICIAN, CANNIBAL CORPSE, MORBID ANGEL (on “Covenant” days onward), many Death Metal acts started to create a massive form of playing the genre, and Brutal Death Metal was born. But as the genre evolved, something was missed of its original elements, especially the fast tempos and links between the original Death Metal roots of it. But some guys seem to be aware of it and are trying to push things back to what they were, without leaving aside the evolutions Brutal Death Metal had throughout the years, and the North American trio CHORDOMA seems to found the way, as heard on “Chordoma”, its first release. Travis Cook signs the mixing and mastering of the songs, and the creation is something that brings back elements of Death Metal sonorities of the past, being brutal, aggressive and nasty, but always in an understandable way that can make walls tremble easily.

The artwork of Wong Sinting Death for the cover is really excellent, fitting on what they musically play. To put a mark as ‘Brutal Death Metal’ on the band’s music is a gross mistake. It’s obvious that nasty guitars and some slow moments can remind the cliches that many loves, but the band focuses their attention on faster tempos with abusive use of blast beats and impressive guttural grunts (without the boring piggish screams or extreme low tunes on the grunts). It’s not a sin to say that they’re bring back the genre to what it should be, showing personality to make things furious and faster, without copying anyone and paying no respect for anyone than themselves!

“Medically Induced Asphyxiation”, “Innermost Intestinal Exposure”, “Splashing Innards Abound”, “Regurgitated; Misconstrued” and “Suspensory Ligament Ejection” are furious songs filled with very good death growls, excellent guitars, and technical parts from bass guitar and drums. But as said above, they use a lot of faster rhythms, creating something more brutal than Brutal Death Metal itself!

CHORDOMA seems to be a sasquatch opening new ways for Brutal Death Metal. Listen to “Chordoma” and blast your ears off!

8 / 10









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"Chordoma" Track-listing:
  1. Medically Induced Asphyxiation
  2. Innermost Intestinal Exposure
  3. Splashing Innards Abound
  4. Regurgitated; Misconstrued
  5. Suspensory Ligament Ejection
Chordoma Lineup:

Justin D. - Vocals
Blake S. - Guitars, Bass
Nikhil T. - Drums

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