
Children of the Sun

CHILDREN OF THE SUN release their second album in March of 2022, bringing to life […]
By Sarah Tijan
April 2, 2022
Children of the Sun - Roots album cover

CHILDREN OF THE SUN release their second album in March of 2022, bringing to life that true sense of the 60's uncovering the hidden sadness, and gloomy music scene, that was mistaken as the "all love" era. Truth be told, looking at the 60's as CHILDREN OF THE SUN does, the music sounds so much better, the music and the voice tell a story, one that I missed my first listen of the album.

The first listen, I heard a bluesy soul sound, the second listen I heard the deeper, darker, more psychedelic sound that is often pushed to the side, keeping the 60's sound the sound of love and happiness. The first song, "Reflection", demands your attention, to listen and to hear the sorrow and the sadness that is the soulful undertone of much of album. Josefina Berglund Ekholm takes the lyrics and creates the mood for each track.

"Gaslighting" is track that every person who feels back into a corner, should listen to, and know that you are not alone, you are a person and what you experience and feel is real, and should be accepted and taken seriously. Beyond the lyrics, the guitar and music are pure hard rock and driven by emotion all around.

It took me a lot to get through this album, not so much because I didn't enjoy it, more so because I found I had to go back and listen again, listen at different times of day, and find the right mood for the album, for the tracks, one sticking out the most for me during this ritual, was "In Silva", a dark mysterious vocal range added to the guitar sounds that brings acoustic rock back to the forefront, complete with haunting lyrics and even more haunting sad guitar and drum tracking.

Overall, the album is a great follow up to their 2019 album, Flowers, the direct evolution of their music, and of what they wanted to create, bringing life back to the era of Woodstock and the summer of love, and what feelings were hidden underneath the surface.

8 / 10









"Roots" Track-listing:

1. Reflection
2. Sun Leaves
3. Blood Boils Hot
4. Gaslighting
5. Eden
6. Willow Tree
7. Roots
8. Man In The Moon
9. The Soul
10. In Silva
11. Thunder
12. Reaching For The Sun
13. Epilogue

Children of the Sun Lineup:

Josefina Berglund Ekholm - Lead vocals
Ottilia Berglund Ekholm - Choir
Wilma Ås - Choir, keyboard
Jacob Hellenrud - Guitar
Ida Wahl - Bass
Johan Lööf - Drums

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