Squeeze it Dry (Re-issue)

Cherry St.

From the bands press release: This "Squeeze It Dry" CD is a re-issue of the […]
By Fred "Cage" Bonanno
December 21, 2022
Cherry St. - Squeeze it Dry (Re-issue) album cover

From the bands press release: This "Squeeze It Dry" CD is a re-issue of the 1993 JRS/BMG release featuring all new artwork. After the re-issue of their self-titled release selling out in a few weeks, Perris Records has decided to re-issue "Squeeze It Dry", This CD has Erik Turner (WARRANT) Tommy Thayer (KISS, BLACK 'N BLUE) & Pat Regan (KISS, DEEP PURPLE, SHOTGUN MESSIAH) producing two tracks "No Doubt" & "Whisky". CHERRY ST. was formed in California by Michigan natives Tom "Monroe" Mathers & Don "Spinner" Korbecki in 1989 after recruiting Chris VanDahl on vocals and Todd "Taz"Anthony on guitar also from Michigan.

Dispite not really achieving major success with their five full lenght album releases between 1992 and 2001, CHERRY ST. does have quite an interesting track record including recording  a 1990 home video with many fans and celebrities and featuring the first video "The Walk" with cameos featuring JON BON JOVI, SAM KINISON (R.I.P), TRACI GUNS, JANI LANE (R.I.P), BRET MICHAELS, CC DEVILLE, & LEMMY (R.I.P). I will admit I never heard of CHERRY ST. but I'm sensing that they were one of the many, many sound-alikes, cookie cutter bands from the L.A. hair metal scene.

Two songs into this album shows me exactly where they are headed, copycat crotch rock with sleaze tossed in. Opening with "No Doubt About" is a CINDERELLA sound alike and track two "Jenn" is in the early MOTELY CRUE mold, I realize this was the popular sound vehicle at that time frame, but so far nothing to make them stand out creatively and the title track, the sex-oriented  "Cherry Street" is almost embarrassing, despite having a pretty chunky guitar riff and beat, but lead singer Chris VanDahl tries way too hard to sound sexy and it just doesn't work.

The only song I can say I enjoyed was "Mary Goes Round" with a catchy melody and more of a rock feel, but the remaining songs on the album all had the same familiar sound, texture, and approach. The most accurate comparison I will make about CHERRY ST. is that they sound like a rock band still in high school trying to find some identity and personality. I'll leave on this one positive note, if you are a fan of CINDERELLA, early MOTLEY CRUE, BRITNY FOX and even POISON, you may enjoy this album, but just don't set your expectations too high.

4 / 10

Nothing special








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"Squeeze it Dry (Re-issue)" Track-listing:

1. No Doubt About
2. Jenn
3. Cherry Street
4. Sure was fine
5. Mary Goes Around
6. Ah!
7. Whiskey
8. Ring around the Rosie
9. Here I Come
10. Shake Down sally
11. Speak No Evil
12. Ahhh!

Cherry St. Lineup:

Chris VanDahl - vocals
Tom "Monroe" Mathers - guitar
Todd "Taz" Anthony - guitar
Redd Rosell - bass
Tom "Kelly James" Dobrentey - drums

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