Rites Of June


From all the way across the seas to the continent of South America, in deepest […]
October 9, 2024

From all the way across the seas to the continent of South America, in deepest darkest Peru, we have a death/folklore metal trio who have been together since the year 2002. They have been so smart and innovative as to blending the styles of metal with South American folklore instruments which include the charango, quena and zampoña so they certainly have done what they can to keep their culture in their music. So aside from that they have gone on to release two EP’s, the first release was self-titled in 2003 and the second release was in 2007 titled BICOLOUR CANNIBALISM even before they released their debut album which was titled PURURAUCA. Then the past releases were collated into a compilation album but this wasn’t released for a long time after their debut album came out, so after this it was a few more years before there was more new music from CHASKA. They released two new singles in 2023 as well as earlier this year, so both of these singles were put together with other new tracks onto what is the band’s latest EP release, titled RITES OF JUNE as it has now been available on all platforms since May. It has been said that “versatile style of Chaska's music is inspired and influenced mainly by the energy of metal, by Peruvian-South American sounds and textures, mixed in a new proposal whose aim is to create unforgettable music”.

So with that in mind, let’s take a good look at their latest EP which is now out, starting with their first track which is “Winter Night Heights” as we hear guitar strings being strummed loudly, some folklore melodies and heavy hardcore drumming to add to the mix as we hear the folklore instruments that are native to South America. Vocals also join in after a minute or so of instrumental parts being swapped around, even filthier and demonic vocals really adds so much intensity to the track. A short pause for guitar to play and then a gradual crescendo sets up a musical and sonically motivated section with all to hear, vocals and drums standing out more, but melodies still strong as before with those sounds or textures. “Sweet Lover” is up next now as we hear melodic guitar as well as vocals speaking of a beast within as they are creating the contrast between the melodic vocal notes and more satanic vocal approach. The tempo is a bit more up beat and certainly more inviting, drums and lead guitar are the two key motivators here, more savage vocals as we hear the folklore textures of those instruments heard before, as we hear sustained guitar notes as well as cymbal hits before lead guitar goes back into a rhythmic pattern of riffs. The control and dynamics of this track is truly creative and spacious as we hear each individual instrument so clearly.

“Impero Caído” has somewhat a different theme and has the rhythm or melody of a sailors tune to it, certainly still has the death metal elements of drums and guitar in there to steady the ship as it set sails for heavier metal headbanging as vocals expresses their mood or stance in this track with pure evil. Even the instrumental parts for guitar and drums take their place creating those transitions between each verse and chorus in the track, the drums know when to let themselves loose for bitter bone-crunching devastation. The closing section has a different feel and tempo, bit of swing to it and going back to the theme of a sailors tune, but in the shadow of stunning guitar riffs or drum patterns as well as warm bass notes. “Possession” has more of a peaceful and ambient atmosphere to the track but still melodic as we hear subtle whispers of vocals and drums building another crescendo, as vocals regain their fuller sound as drums play a cool pattern to set the tempo. The words and vocal approach is more spiritual as well as close to the heart as the lyrics are personal for sure, so the surrounding instrumentation as well as the arrangement must suit this theme. Hearing those South American instruments also really adds to the texture of this track, so we can now go onto the next track which is “Nymph Of The Lake”. After a gradual diminuendo from the previous track, we can hear some cymbal hits, as well as subtle lead guitar as well as the traditional instruments also making their presence known to the listener.

 The drums do jump right in after less than a minute as we do hear more of the death metal vocals roaring as well as grinding their teeth, the richness of the melodic tonality in the verses is really soothing too. Lead guitar and drums have their chances to make themselves loud and proud for some solo playing, when vocals bow out briefly, but when vocals are in there they will stand out from the crowd. There is a final attacking section with all instruments blazing in their glorious musicality, into the final track we go which is “Bicolour Cannibalism”. This is such a heavier and darker track in terms of tonality as well as the theme, this has to be the heaviest of the entire EP for certain. The cunning vocals are back in as well as the traditional instruments, the merging of all these instruments, if it wasn’t mentioned before the balance and dynamics of each track is so well produced as the separation of each instrument is very well arranged too. This final track certainly says what it does in the title, the word ‘cannibalism’ can be perceived in the heavy duty guitar parts, vocals and drums too, the sheer volume and bass frequencies do support this theme of the band eating through the final track of this EP. All in all, a great EP and it is so nice to hear something different with the addition of traditional instruments from the continent of South America. The musician skills and talent of this band has no boundaries, all so free and liberating I would have to say so do check these guys out, I am sure they will continue to grow.

8 / 10









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"Rites Of June" Track-listing:

1. Winter Night Heights

2. Sweet Lover

3. Impero Caído

4. Possession

5. Nymph Of The Lake

6. Bicolour Cannibalism

Chaska Lineup:

Huseo Raffo - Vocals and Guitars

Hernan Gonzales - Bass Guitar

Fabian Flores Castros - Drums

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