Carrion Angel


I was impressed with the band complex structures and unusual take on Black and Death Metal. Obviously talented, the created a color palate of blacks and greys that constantly shifted.
January 11, 2024

From Bandcamp, “Carrion Angel” is the first of a two-part EP, of which the second half will release late 2024. “Carrion Angel” is a refinement of the sound of the first two demos, featuring a cacophonous mix of black and death metal with passages of wailing dissonance and moments of murky atmosphere, embodying the same chaos and anxiety as the mind it originates from. The album has five songs. “Tower of Silence” is first, and it’s a very short introduction of mostly dissonant and low flute notes, setting a somber tone for the album.

“Sky Burial” is next. This time, the sound hits you like an angry fist, with thick guitars, blast beat drums, and harsh vocals. Dissonance is still the dominating sound here. The title track is longest on the album. Bass notes rumble in the opening like a freight train getting started, and slowly, guitars and vocals are added, and the sound stays in the shadows, until it later explodes with anger. The band showcases some nimble meter shifts as well, sporting complex and Progressive elements. “Gnashing of Teeth” is a shorter and much faster blast of chaos. At times, it seems the band is not using much of a structure in their music, but alas, they are. Just listen closer.

“Shroud of Locusts” closes the album. It’s a faster moving sound still with a good deal of dissonance, and listed to how tightly the band moves in and out of varying passages. Overall, I was impressed with the band complex structures and unusual take on Black and Death Metal. Obviously talented, the created a color palate of blacks and greys that constantly shifted. Now, I can't wait to hear Part Two. 

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Carrion Angel" Track-listing:

1. Tower of Silence

2. Sky Burial

3. Carrion Angel

4. Gnashing of Teeth

5. Shroud of Locusts


Cerulean Lineup:

Stephen Knapp – Guitars, Vocals, Synth, Drum Programming

Jared Johnson – Bass

Garret Davis – Bass

Daniela Mars - Contrabass Flute


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