Abiogénesis libro III
Catarsis Incarne
April 5, 2020

Costa Rican three-man band, CATARSIS INCARNE brig out their third full-length album following Katharma in 2011 and 2013 they released Presbere. So, they have been a six year gap as this album was released firstly on December 3rd, 2019 with Careless Records. This release is on the 24th April 2020. What did their latest release sound like, lets find out.
"Des-integración (Desafío de la creación)" starts off with a medium-paced melody, not exploding onto the harmony, but certainly not just breaking out softly. The vocals are just screaming to start, these go well with the overall pace. The issue when the actual vocals kicks in, is that the pace of the overall song slows a lot. The pace does speed up a little further into the song, but it never recovers and leaves me wondering what if they had never slowed things down, would the song have been much better? It is not a bad song, but feeling a bit let down from how it started, to how it ended, a bit too progressive.
"Carcinoma -Relativa realidad" also has a lively start, this is a good option to pick from. The same issues for the loss of pace has happened again though, it's as soon as the vocals hit, the pace of the melodies and harmonies drop. This one does try to keep it lively for a bit, but it soon dies down once more, and I hate to put the word boring, but it really effects the song.
"Abiogénesis" has a good start, bringing in some Thrash style melodies for the into to the song, they even keep up the pace, better when the vocals kick in. as far as balance goes, this song keeps it going far better than we have heard so far. The melodies are not as electrifying as some starters on this album, but they do not fade at all, so the song it controlled better. Finally we have a song that lives up to its potential.
"Catástrofe catequizada" has more of an experimental start, seemingly trying a few new things out. The only is, they don't really go anywhere. The pace of some segments of the other songs is totally lost, this song feels like it is missing something that would take it from just experimenting, to hitting targets. It is a disappointing song, just as I thought they were finally hitting a good level.
"Mutación doctrinal" starts off slow, experimental again, but very progressive. The song kicks in, but does not explode, it is not a great execution, feels like the explosion could have been so much bigger and more destructive. The medium-paced melodies feel like they should be doing more, they turn almost in to a Doom harmony, it feels like the pace some guitar sections in here are, should be foe the entire song. It is a mixed song and although it is good to change styles, I don't think either of the style works to the full potential.
"Encarnación del prejuicio" is a heavier starter, this is a decent change in stance. It is not full throttled pace, but it at a good pace. The pace doesn't slow down too much once vocals are added, but the melodies do not expand to much we have not heard thus far either. The issue I have is that the differences they have in the songs here do not really expand far enough so they don't seem to go anywhere, they just seem stuck in place instead of fluid. Though it is not a bad song, its just not setting fires
"Dislate kenosis" is another progressive starring song, it feels more like an OPETH song than what I was expecting. The kick into melody however is a decent one, it is heavy, but with good balance and pace. When the vocals kick in to full form, the balance goes a bit under with the melodies, it slows down and becomes a bit dull. The melodies never quite picks back up, it remains controlled, but a little too safety was included here.
"Clanes de Sibü" is more of a generic Death Metal style song, that is not an insult, the sounds are great sounds we have heard before. They keep things in tune well and the balance is suited well to the song. The vocals move through the melodies really well and they become fluid together. This is a composed song and the album could have done with a few more like this one.
"Axio-existencia" has another slow start, is it progressive or experimental? Who cares, it didn't last long enough to worry. The pace picks up and the vocals lead strong. There is a few sections where it lacks some fire power, but the overall song is solid, its not quite levels where you think it's a key song to the album, but it is not in the list of songs that let the pace and album down.
"Entropía" is the final song, it has a way more experimental starting feel than we have heard, but it last seconds before the melodies kick in, thankfully. The pace is not great, it feels like its lost a bit through the album. The song breaks up and goes back to the almost Industrial themes midway through, but again it doesn't last long before a few solos come in to liven it up once more. For me, its not a great end, a bit of a letdown.
Its not a bad album at all, but it feels like it tries to be Thrash style Death Metal at the start, but they never quite hit the levels, then midway they try some experimental styles, but they do not expand to great levels. These songs will be fine mixed into most playlists, so although its not an amazingly fluid album, it is decent enough.
7 / 10

"Abiogénesis libro III" Track-listing:
1. Des-integración (Desafío de la creación)
2. Carcinoma -Relativa realidad
3. Abiogénesis
4. Catástrofe catequizada
5. Mutación doctrinal
6. Encarnación del prejuicio
7. Dislate kénosis
8. Clanes de Sibü
9. Axio-existencia
10. Entropía
Catarsis Incarne Lineup:
Nash - Drums & Backing Vocals
Monestel - Vocals & Bass
Brian Cruz - Guitars & Backing Vocals
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