
Cantique Lépreux

Hailing from Canada, the new EP "Sectes" drags listeners to the most sinister graves of […]
March 27, 2022
Cantique Lépreux - Sectes album cover

Hailing from Canada, the new EP "Sectes" drags listeners to the most sinister graves of early 90's Black Metal, heralding the invocation of a most ominous spell. From the opening sounds of "Sectes", it is clear that they are a band with intense focus, immediately grabbing listeners' attention with their utterly putrid sound." The album contains four tracks. "Sacrements de la Vengeance" leads off the album. It begins with horrid production...overly treble and muted. What is it with Black Metal bands that insist on this type of production? The music isn't much better, though the band plays with energy. "Le repaire des anges galeux" sounds nearly exactly like the first track. There is a wall of riffs, vile vocals, and drums that take over the sound with unrelenting ferocity.

"Lune défroquée" is nearly interchangeable with the previous two tracks. I hate to say it, but the band isn't even trying to tread new ground here, as they are more than happy to rest on the 90's forefather sound. "Coterie" closes the album. It's the fourth song in row that sounds exactly like the other four tracks. I really have a hard time imagining who could possibly like this music. Yes, it's harsh and evil, and can move the listener on a primal level, but besides that, it's generic and unoriginal. The bass work is nice on the album, but that is literally the only thing that I can champion here. The rest is utterly throwaway material. Don't waste your time on this album, even if you are a fan of Black Metal...unless you are into the FWOBM and haven't yet moved out of your parent's basement.

3 / 10









"Sectes" Track-listing:

1. Sacrements de la Vengeance
2. Le repaire des anges galeux
3. Lune défroquée
4. Coterie

Cantique Lépreux Lineup:

Blanc Feu - Vocals & Guitars
Matrak - Bass
Cadavre - Drums

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