To The Gory End (Reissue)
August 5, 2014

First on the least of the monumental release of CARCASS' 90's back catalogue is their inaugural "To the Gory End". Admittedly only having recently heard of them, I am already preparedly ecstatic to hear of their reunion, delving possibly into forging new material. Such talent does not deserve to be left to fester in what would become the obscure dust piles of the early 90s.
"Blood Bath" is decidedly one of the album's heaviest of hitters, the intro pummeling forth like a freight train. Following that are a series of unorthodox riffs that blend comical groove with spastic bursts of unchained speed. The majority of the track, however, is a drowning chug, that accentuates the powerful chord progressions. "Into the Acid" is one of my favorites; short and not-so-sweet, is a blistering, festering assault of Death-infused Thrash, that tries to attain coherence partway through, before losing itself in its own brutality; I certainly do not mean that in jest; the unpredictable nature of this band's very own brand of Death Metal is their trump card in an otherwise sea of same.
The title track opens with an ominously theatric (and unexpected) symphonic intro, which is abruptly torn down by the tapestry and thrown into a raging inferno of churning riffs. The arrangement is unmistakably heavy, and the band clearly shows their strong points through a defined emphasis on steamrolling low-end; something one will find on the release to follow. "Die Die" is interestingly down tuned, into a strangely simplified middle-range Death Rock tempo, reminding me of a certain SATYRICON, creating an intriguing, genre-bending amalgamation. The track ends on a powerful note, emphasizing an especially harsh vocal delivery and closing timbre.
A tremendous effort for a debut full-length, the band will be heard to find their sound more on the follow-up release, "Death Shall Rise", easily the true gem of their discography.
8 / 10

"To The Gory End (Reissue)" Track-listing:
1. Blood Bath
2. C.F.C
3. Witch Hunt
4. Into the Acid
5. Imminent Catastrophy
6. To the Gory End
7. Body Count
8. Sentenced
9. Die Die
10. Our Fate (Demo 1989)
11. Revenged (Demo 1989)
Cancer Lineup:
John Walker - Guitars, Vocals
Carl Stokes - Drums
Ian Buchanan - Bass
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