Malum Supplicium

From Bandcamp, "The international metal project CAEDEOUS present their third long player with "Malum Supplicum". As with its two predecessors, this is a concept album that tells thematic horror stories inspired by the works of Lovecraft, Barker and Alighierie...the eternal struggle between good and evil, angels and demons, heaven and hell." The album has nine songs. "Scalas Ad Infernos" is the first. It's short intro track, with evil spoke words, and ominous bells. "Cruxis Inferni" is where things heat up. Right away, the production is overly-trebley, and the sound is quite chaotic. The symphonic elements occupy the background, while endless machine gun drumming and horrid vocals take center stage.
"In Flamma Peribimus" is another heavily chaotic song. You can hear the band's talent in the very tight movements, but the intensity is almost too much to bear. The symphonic elements are noteworthy however. "Maledictio Animae" has another evil, thick sound, which is full of drums, vocals, and symphony. But through the first four songs, there isn't much in the way of variation. "Pandemonium" represents the first song with a different approach. The vocals are more guttural, and the instruments more distinct. "Obscura Ascensionis" has clean female vocals, and this is the kind of variation I am talking about. There is a nice trade-off from there and the clean help to temper the intensity of the harsh vocals.
"Pergame Altare" goes full-bore once again. Intense rage, and hatred dominate the sound. Too many of these songs however make for an overly punishing listen. I get the genre, but the band has to find a way to break some of these up along the way. "Abominatio Alchimiae" is even more intense. The vocals trade off from gutturals to screams, while the music keeps things frightening. The title track closes the album, and it's more controlled chaos. Overall, the band were strong musicians, and the arrangements were tight, but the intensity outweighed everything else on the album. I understand that this is a no-compromise, Symphonic Black Metal band, but just a few pauses, or even some more cleans, could have broken up the bedlam.
5 / 10

"Malum Supplicium" Track-listing:
1. Scalas Ad Infernos
3. Cruxis Inferni
3. In Flamma Peribimus
4. Maledictio Animae
5. Pandemonium
6. Obscura Ascensionis
7. Pergame Altare
8. Abominatio Alchimiae
9. Malum Supplicium
Caedeous Lineup:
Paulo J. Mendes - Orchestration, Keyboards, Piano
Thomas Blanc - Vocals
Rosmerta - Vocals
Rich Gray - Bass
Douglas Melchiades - Guitars
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