

I don't think that there is a black Metal fan or a fan of extreme […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
May 20, 2008
Burzum - Anthology album cover

I don't think that there is a black Metal fan or a fan of extreme Metal in general, that doesn't know BURZUM. If you are in that category, you are just reading the wrong 'zine. My question is, why another Anthology CD from the band? Almost every single one of us already has all the albums!

The history of the band began back in 1991 as a prominent and influential Norwegian Black Metal act. From then on, the course of BURZUM is well-known. Varg was arrested for the murder of Euronymous, plus was accused for vandalisms at Christian churches. Between 1992 and 1999, they/he released six studio albums and an EP. Many things were heard from the media, but you can also read Varg's point of view in his official site, if you like.

As for this release... Well, this is not the first compilation. It's the fifth one and the second one with the title Anthology. And to tell you the truth, I can't find a single reason for this CD to be released. Here you will find songs from all the studio albums, expect of Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. The selection of the tracks is quite good and so is the sound. Another thing is that after Misanthropy Records ceased to exist, I appreciate the difficulty to find some of the albums.  On the other hand, I don't think that a best of combo will save the day. Yes, you will find hymns in that CD like Jesus Tod, Det Som En Gang Var or Lost Wisdom.

So, in my opinion, it is better to start searching and buy all the albums of this great band. Even if we have to go back in time and start tape trading again! BURZUM is a fucking awesome band and I don't believe you can shrink Varg's music talent in an Anothology CD.

"Anthology" Track-listing:

Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown
Stemmen Fra Taarmet
Lost Wisdom
Svart Troner
Det Som En Gang Var
Jesus Tod
Balferd Baldrs
Dunkelheit (bonus video)

Burzum Lineup:

Varg Count Grishnackh Vikernes - Everything

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