
Burning Black

One and a half year after their interesting Prisoners Of Steel debut album, Italian metallers […]
By Grigoris Chronis
December 10, 2009
Burning Black - MechanicHell album cover

One and a half year after their interesting Prisoners Of Steel debut album, Italian metallers BURNING BLACK are back for the attack. Through a major label now - Limp Music - the Italians unleash their second attack and it's possible many more metalheads will be pleased to spend time with their new songs. MechanicHell, first of all, features an equally disheartening CD cover but - the least - an equally attractive set of tunes destined to haunt your CD player down.
As said in the previous album's review, BURNING BLACK reminded me a lot of fellow Italian 80s Metal heroes CRYING STEEL, not necessarily in regards to a sound resemblance but mostly for their common taste in Metal musicmaking. BURNING BLACK adore the 80s and that's OK, but the most crucial parameter regarding their works is that they do not steal/borrow stuff from the originals but, in a successful way, develop their own ideas (both in power and melody) while flirting with classic Metal recipes. The production of their album(s) is more up-to-date without - of course - exceeding classic Metal's borders, so their songs sound fresh and normal at the same time. The fact that this band is away from the 'trademark' Italian Power/Symphonic Metal standards speaks the truth, too.
Now, if Prisoners Of Steel was close enough to the classic Metal patterns, the new album shows some new elements too...don't imagine any major alterations, though. It's just that the new BURNING BLACK songs add ideas also witnessed in other European Metal bands of today, resulting in a mix that owes a lot to e.g. JUDAS PRIEST and SAXON and ACCEPT and LEATHERWOLF and CRIMSON GLORY but (now) also sounds at times like e.g. PRIMAL FEAR, METALIUM, MORGANA LEFAY or BRAINSTORM. The discrete use of keyboards is a 'plus' for the album, Dan's throat is fierce or passionate when needed but also reaches the sky notes requested, the rhythm section is fitting the songs' energy and - last but not least - the guitars duties are executed in full skill and metallic dignity (the solos are full force classic Hard Rock/Metal). Not to forget, the fact and only that the Press Release sees a LION (cult American Hard 'n' Heavy legends) reference here and there brings nothing less than a wide smile...
To sum it up: if you've not been aware of the band's previous album, let's just say that MechanicHell is a very good excellent melodic yet powerful Heavy Metal CD that takes no prisoners if some of the above bands in comparison are your favorites. If you already own 2008's Prisoners Of Steel debut, then show no fear in requesting a copy of the new CD too, only having the addition of some more fresh elements in the band's music in mind, nothing more. BURNING BLACK is one of the bands confirming you can play classic Heavy Metal but still sound fresh and open-minded.

P.S.: Purgatory Child is already a classic in some fans' ears...

7 / 10


"MechanicHell" Track-listing:

Reckoning Day
Our Sentence
Purgatory Child
Secrets To Hide
Reborn From My Sins
Hero Of The Century
Dangerous Game
Dust And Rain
Messengers Of Hell
Victims And Torturers

Burning Black Lineup:

AJ Simons - Bass
Dan Ainlay - Vocals
Eric Antonello - Guitar
Will Oswin - Drums
John Morris - Guitar

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