Reborn From Voidness

Brain Removal

So coming to us today we have the debut EP from Spanish Death Metal band […]
By Michael Coyle
February 3, 2015
Brain Removal - Reborn From Voidness album cover

So coming to us today we have the debut EP from Spanish Death Metal band BRAIN REMOVAL entitled "Reborn From Voidness".

So I decided to kick things off with the EP's second track "Dehumanization Progress". So as the song starts we have some very technical inspired guitar riffs as well as some guttural growls which present the bands sound combined with blast beats galore, what I find interesting about this track is the fact that it focuses more on the guitars and bass then it does on the vocals and drums, to me it sounds like there is something missing with this track that I feel could be improved on. Besides this the bass and guitars are top notch and show the effort that has been placed into them as well as the influence that both carry showing tribute to such artists as Alex Webster of the mighty CANNIBAL CORPSE as well as the riff styles of Vogg from the legendary DECAPITATED. All in all I feel that this track needs to be sharpened more before it really makes its mark.

The next track I have decided to add to the review folks is the EP's  fifth track entitled "Exterminium". Now as this track starts off it does show more effort as well as power that you would expect from  a band like BRAIN REMOVAL to have, it cuts deep at first sight and shows that there are different views you can take from what these guys are capable of as a band and what they can bring to the table. All in all this is by far one of my favorites on this EP, it does have a very SIX FEET UNDER vibe to it which can be heard in vocalist Javi H's growls and presentation as well as his approach to it. From listening to this track over a few times I can safely say that this track shows what this band is truly capable of when it comes down to constructing a song with brutal balance as well as the idea to play such a heavy beat in such a manner as this.

To conclude. There is some hope for this EP as it does offer us all something each when it comes down to the way it has been developed, but at the same time I have to be a critic and say that there is also a long way to go if ever these guys want to evolve their sound and grow as a band, sure enough there are some powerful ideas that this EP has but at the same time I feel that there are ways that they could grow and also developed along the way, but besides this they are going in the right direction for a first EP and that is what really matters in the end.

8 / 10


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"Reborn From Voidness" Track-listing:

1. Intro
2. Dehumanization Progress
3. Death Paradigm
4. Homicidal Disruption
5. Exterminium
6. Trascending the Abyss

Brain Removal Lineup:

Javi V. - Guitars
Robin - Bass
Javi H. - Vocals
Nico - Drums

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