The Hand of Violence

Bound in Fear

BOUND IN FEAR, out of the UK, return with their new full-length album "The Hand […]
By James Brizuela
August 20, 2019
Bound in Fear - The Hand of Violence album cover

BOUND IN FEAR, out of the UK, return with their new full-length album "The Hand of Violence". Violence being the perfect description of this album, as you are taken on a journey of down-tuned brutality. "Saint of Sorrow" kicks off the album in a very eerie way. There some deep atmospheric sounds going on followed by some demonic talking. That is all you get from this track as it sets up the pure violent face pounding that ensues. The track immediately kicks into a down-tempo gut wrenching song. The deep gutter growls just paint a picture of absolute dread. Bound in Fear provides an incredibly brutal sound that doesn't let up on the sound of dread. Even in the track "The Rot Within" there is this atmospheric undertone of creepiness that is present in the entirety of the track. The slower tempo just adds to this feeling of being trapped in quicksand that you cannot escape from. I thought that album would be a sort of "one trick pony" type of Deathcore sound, but I was pleasantly surprised to find other musical elements used.

There is a definite change in the overall tempo of the music in "Stigmata" and in "Void of Life". There is an almost thrash metal intro to the latter, though the tempo returns quickly returns to the prototypical Deathcore sound. What I do like most about the album is the constant theme of eerie being present throughout. It is something that saves the music from being predictable in melody. "Parallels" is an example of this. There are some softly sung lyrics with a creepy atmospheric melody being played. The track goes back into coupling the same brutality that exists in all the album. What I like about Bound in Fear is how they change things up to keep the sound fresh. "Hate Circuit" brings the fastest tempo in the entirety of the album. This is where there is an almost death metal speed present. Then you are hit with a very slow almost doom-styled tempo. Again, showcasing how the prototypical Deathcore sound isn't the only genre in Bound in Fear's wheelhouse.

Overall, I like "The Hand of Violence". It is not a ground-breaking album, but it is certainly a good Deathcore album. It is super brutal, super violent, and there's an extra added thematic element of creepiness I felt from listening to the album. Bound in Fear are certainly good at their craft. Any fan of Deathcore will love this album.

8 / 10









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"The Hand of Violence" Track-listing:

1. Saint of Sorrow
2. The Rot Within
3. Condemned
4. Stigmata
5. Void of Life
6. Parallels
7. Hate Circuit
8. The Hand of Violence
9. So Long, So Cold
10. Absolution

Bound in Fear Lineup:

Ben Mason - Vocals
Keir Campbell - Guitars
Joss Wheatley - Bass
Alex Richins - Drums
Ben Sutherland - Guitars

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