Cryonic Crevasse Cult

Bog Body

It's been a while since I've heard a band so distinctive that it made me […]
July 18, 2022
Bog Body - Cryonic Crevasse Cult album cover

It's been a while since I've heard a band so distinctive that it made me grip my headphones with both hands to keep my head from exploding. BOG BODY sounds exactly how the name suggests-criminally down-tuned; fat, chunky riffs; snarling, clangoring bass; and harsh vocals that oscillate between a Black Metal shrill to a Death Metal growl. On May 20, 2022, the NY duo released their debut full-length, "Cryonic Crevasse Cult," on Profound Lore Records. It is a filthy fusion of Black, Death, and Sludge. It is nasty, decadent, and fantastic.

BOG BODY formed in 2016. So far, they've adhered to a two-year cadence, releasing a demo in 2018, a split in 2020, and now their first LP in 2022. "Cryonic Crevasse Cult" is mixed (Evan Mersky) and mastered (Dan Lowndes) with precision simplicity. The first thing you'll notice is the brutal sub-sonic assault. Second is the amount of texture and space that is somehow layered in, providing ample separation-which is really needed because, again, the bass is just everywhere!

I loved experiencing every track on this album, but my standout list includes the opening track, "Paralytic Pit of Swallowed Graves"; "Dregs Soar to the Skies" for its infectious groove; and "Mystery of the Yaghan Bones" for its esoteric nod to the early Yaghans-a Southern Patagonian people known for their "complete indifference" to the cold. I mean you can't beat extreme metal when it comes to digging up weird, obscure secrets.

I also really enjoyed "Ice Stained Kurgan" with its multi-movement composition. There are some truly interesting and innovative moments throughout the track. Clocking out at 5:36, it's also the longest, affording plenty of sonic real estate for SVR and JP to exploit. There's even some spoken word laced in near the end. The verbiage is apparently sampled from the 2020 film version of Donald Ray Pollack's mid-western novel of hyper-violence and twisted religiosity "The Devil All the Time." While I haven't seen the movie, the book is mind-blowing. The track also features a touch of cosmic psych which adds some rich atmosphere. And speaking of atmosphere, "Frigid Shivs Slit Their Throats," is another track remarkable for its curious effects. Is it synth? Is it feedback? Who knows, but it's incredible. The tail-end of "The Temple of the Inevitable Flame" had me mesmerized.

At first glance, the cover art (Chase Slaker) doesn't necessarily grab one's attention. It looks like a slate blue crevasse creeping to a horizon of beige sky and clouds. Monotone, subdued, frigid. Upon closer examination, it's a similitude of a rocky, iced-over vagina like something from an Ernest Shackleton wetdream-you know, if the artic explorer had also been a druid of ancient lore and was really into death rituals.

Warning: Turn down the volume on your system before dropping the needle on this one unless you want to permanently blow your woofers. BOG BODY's "Cryonic Crevasse Cult" is a definite find and all discerning extreme metalists should pick it up. Hails and horns to Profound Lore Records for keeping up their well-established reputation. It shouldn't be a surprise to find this artifact in their expanding vault.

8 / 10









"Cryonic Crevasse Cult" Track-listing:

1.  Paralytic Pit Of Swallowed Graves
2.  Dregs Soar To The Skies
3.  The Temple Of The Inevitable Flame
4.  Ice Stained Kurgan
5.  Cryonic Crevasse Cult
6.  Mystery Of The Yaghan Bones
7.  Frigid Shivs Slit Their Throats
8.  The Graveyard Of Dead Cratons

Bog Body Lineup:

SVR - Vocals, bass
JP - Vocals, drums

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