March 12, 2006

After almost 5 years after their last release, Bloodthorn return to the scene with their 4th studio album, Genocide!! The lineup has changed while the guitar players Alex and Tom got replaced by Mayhem's live guitarist Ihizahg, who also wrote most of the new material. Genocide is a combination of Death Metal technical elements (Morbid Angel), the anger of Marduk and the Norwegian Black Metal background. Thunderous riffs, blast beats, double kicks, down-tuned guitars, midtempo passages, minor key harmonies...
Genocide was born to kick some asses! Almost forty-five minutes of songs such as Sacrificial Slaughter, Nightmare Of Violence, Monolith Of The Dead, which left me completely savaged, as well as the brutal onslaught of Hell On The Eastern Front, Blood And Iron, and the frantic They Will Arise!It was recorded in Godt Selskap Studio (Chton, Griffin, Keep Of Kalessin) with Knut Fug Prytz (Necrophagia) at the production, who gave the album the heavy and storming sound dimension.
Members from bands like Keep Of Kalessin, Satyricon, Necrophagia, Chton, Manes and Max Midsun are the creators of new label in Norway, called Morningstar Records. The label's first release is Bloodthorn`s long anticipated new album. Genocide is a highly recommended release from my side!
8 / 10
"Genocide" Track-listing:
For Those Whose Time Has Come
Blood And Iron
Invoking The Apocalypse
Nightmare Of Violence
They Will Arise
Forced Selfmutilation
Sacrificial Slaughter
Hell On The Eastern Front
Monolith Of The Dead
Bloodthorn Lineup:
Krell - Vocals
Ihizahg - Guitars
Harald - Bass
Jehmod - Drums
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