Expelled into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable

Bloodsoaked Necrovoid

Formed in San Jose, Costa Rica in 2018, BLOODSOAKED NECROVOID took the underground by storm […]
By Hari Narayanan
December 12, 2020
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid - Expelled into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable album cover

Formed in San Jose, Costa Rica in 2018, BLOODSOAKED NECROVOID took the underground by storm with their two demos that year. This band has garnered much critical acclaim and reputation owing to their crushing, intricate and doomy variant of Death Metal. Their new album, the much anticipated "Expelled into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable " , has started to rumble and stir fans all over the world, despite being stuck in their homes amidst the deadly pandemic.

Off the start the first track "Dispossessed in an Asphyxiating Endless Darkness" plunges the listener head first into the cataclysmic chaos of the unknown depths. The song slowly, but steadily churns a brew of squalid Death Metal concoction that is just the beginning to this megalith of a record.
From the second track, "Perverted Astral Intoxication for a Death Incarnation" on, the listener is right in the midst of the cave like atmosphere the album creates. The production value on the record is impeccable. There is great cohesion about how the instruments interact and the vocals serve just as a vehicle to the sinister atmosphere created.

The next song "Viciously Consumed by the Unfolding Unknown" begins with a drum performance by Federico Gutierrez which, despite its simple nature adds tremendously to the overall value of how the album is constructed. Federico Gutierrez's overall performance on this album can be summarized in the latter sentence. He is immensely talented and knows how to effectively employ each beat and every accent.

"Inescapable Transferance of Profane Malignity", one of the shorter tracks on the album, is a punishing and intense attack upon the listener. But even on their shorter tracks, BLOODSOAKED NECROVOID knows how to take the foot off the pedal when they have to. This is my favorite track on the album, owing to its mesmerizing structure and dizzying atmosphere. The following track "Existential Dismemberment by a Transcendental Nothingness" furthers what the record's has already achieved by that point. This glacial epic ends with a pummeling chaos and sheer despair.

"Traversing the Threshold of a Treacherous Depraved Absolute" is a fitting end to this massive and punishing journey through unknown depths of the unfathomable. It sinks the listener deeper and farther into these depths. The vocal performance has to be commended as well due to the immense role it plays in building the atmosphere on this album. The album rewards multiple listens and even then there is so much to explore within it.
This album draws inspiration from DISEMBOWELMENT and INCANTATION at their slowest and most punishing, and fits right into the "cavernous" Death Metal movement. This band could very well blow up due to their immense potential. The album has already ended up on many year-end lists and should be remembered as one of the key moments in the Death Metal of this era.

10 / 10









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"Expelled into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable" Track-listing:

1. Dispossessed in an Asphyxiating Endless Darkness
2. Perverted Astral Intoxication for a Death Incarnation
3. Viciously Consumed by the Unfolding Unknown
4. Inescapable Transferance of Profane Malignity
5. Existential Dismemberment by a Transcendental Nothingness
6. Traversing the Threshold of a Treacherous Depraved Absolute

Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Lineup:

Jose Maria Arrea - Drums
Federico Gutierrez - Guitars, Vocals

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