Sun In The House Of The Scorpion

Blood Of Kingu

"Impressive" is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that only […]
By Dimitris Karametros
May 28, 2010
Blood Of Kingu - Sun In The House Of The Scorpion album cover

"Impressive" is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that only one man is behind everything in this amazing dark and mystical album. I choose to review it mostly because of its themes that involve Sumerian, Egyptian and Indo-Aryan mythology, demonology and astronomy; truth is that I hate when bands capitalize such themes in hopes to sound dark and demonic and whatever, but something about the name of the band BLOOD OF KINGU and the album title "Sun In The House Of The Scorpion" made me want to listen to it and my intuition made no mistake.

"Sun In The House Of The Scorpion" is the second album of the Ukrainian Black Metal legend Roman Sayenko following his first album "De Occulta Philosophia". When you first see the song titles before you listen to the songs themselves you thing that they are either songs from a THERION album, they are obscure and secretive like initiation songs to some dark and forgotten Cthonian cult of Sumer. After putting the CD in the music player and listen to the few songs your mind starts to drift away and pictures of long forgotten cults and secrets fill your head. The songs are well crafted and even with their machine gun drumming and razor sharp guitar riff they manage to calm your mind. There is a mystical monotony like a procession within lost temples in the music that holds you tight waiting to see where each song will take you.

There is a purity in the songs and music of "Sun In The House Of The Scorpion", the ambient hate that most bands that have written occult songs is absent, it's is as if BLOOD OF KINGU's music is directed to the initiated, those that have washed the religious scorn from their soul, which is excellent because all these bands that abuse the occult and the different religions should take a lesson from this album. "Sun In The House Of The Scorpion" is a very mature work from a man that knows exactly what he wants to pass through the feeling and the sounds of his music and manages that with surgical precision.

A great album that travels us to older Black Metal works and a very complete and powerful release.

7 / 10


"Sun In The House Of The Scorpion" Track-listing:
  1. Herald Of The Aeon Of Darkness
  2. Those That Wander Amidst The Stars
  3. Cyclopean Temples Of The Old Ones
  4. Incantation Of He Who Sleeps
  5. Guardians Of Gateways To Outer Void
  6. Ceremonies To Awake Thy Ageless Hate
  7. Morbid Black Dreams Bringing Madness
  8. Gate Of Nanna (BEHERIT Cover)
Blood Of Kingu Lineup:

Roman Saenko - All Instruments And Vocals

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