Rise to Ruination


Boss pissed you off? Girlfriend broke up with you? Excess of stuff to do? You're […]
By Dominik "Chelu" Cheliński
January 31, 2015
Bloid - Rise to Ruination album cover

Boss pissed you off? Girlfriend broke up with you? Excess of stuff to do? You're in the right mood. Good that there are people who knows how to deal with destruction.
Here they come! So these three Dutchmen calls themselves BLOID, which means "happy" in the Dutch dialect. And these three guys will discharge all anger, all emotions, and make you blissful. But only after hard headbanging and losing oneself in the moshpit! Arise! "Rise to Ruination"!

"BLOID" started their activity in February 2006. These people know something about the scene; it's noticeable, owing to a mixture of aggressive metal styles. Perceptible Thrash/Death, with, seasoned with Metalcore. But the band isn't ashamed of adding some melodic parts, like in the flagship song "Rise to Ruination". These elements are wisely distributed, creating good atmosphere. Also, when a band includes many styles, it's obvious that tempo will change many times; such a thing happens here. As example we can take "the Nemesis", which in the middle song slows, and from the pummeling hardcore part, it turns into Death metal.

So the whole opus starts aggressively, but the longer I was listening, the songs becomes more and more melodic and subtle. I would like to single out  Daan Broekman; an incredibly-talented drummer. But the fact that I favoured drummer, it doesn't mean that the guitars were inferior; the Dutchmen show technical prowess all around.

The album is a great stress-release tool. I will describe the overall experience as mesmerising, and intriguing catalysts of anger and madness. BLOID  definitely goes in the right direction. I tried to imagine how live show of this band should look like, and it was looking pretty great. Actually, the whole album would make a pretty good live set. The band needs and deserves more attention, because they are representing at a high standard. I recommend.

8 / 10


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"Rise to Ruination" Track-listing:

1. Attack Of The Sun
2. Ein, Zwei, Die
3. Pandemic
4. Rise To Ruination
5. F.U.B.A.R.
6. The Nemesis
7. Sudden Urge

Bloid Lineup:

Marijn 'Rijnes' Galis - Bass, Vocals
Jeroen Broekman - Guitars, Vocals
Daan Broekman - Drums

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