Friend, Enemy, Stranger

Blake Bliss

Often people can find their fame through the internet with one of the most notable […]
By MarcusTheRocker
January 24, 2015
Blake Bliss - Friend

Often people can find their fame through the internet with one of the most notable sites being YouTube, which I have no problems with as there are a mixture of YouTubers I like, ranging from video gamers to musicians, making their own original material or covering my favorite songs from some awesome Japanese animes and video games. Often though, there can be cases where people who start out on YouTube, get known for something and then let their egos go to their head and become hated by others. Is that the case in today's review? Let us find out shall we?

The promo in question is "Friend, Enemy, Stranger" by a Canadian YouTuber called Blake Bliss, who does a mixture of things on his channel but it's mostly music and he has released a CD with some of the songs he has written and performed and I'm here to find out if this is a YouTuber who has found fame or whether it's something that should not have even been made.

I'm going to get straight into the music as there's not much info I can find on this guy, and yes he is a guy, although you don't get that impression when you hear him sing, as he sounds like a girl, and a very emo one at that, as the music sounds very depressing. I did some research on it and according to a review done by the site, "the lyrics are the type of emo confessional stuff that teenagers would pen in angst in their diaries" and this is a point I would agree with if I could understand the lyrics but even if I could, I would agree anyway, as unfortunately the depressing music which by the way is just an acoustic guitar, some computer generated background noise and Blake's vocals, just do not wow me.

As someone who likes Rock and Metal, I wonder why I even got sent this in the first place as personally, I find this to be very boring, very depressing and something that did not click with me as from my own perspective, Blake Bliss is not someone I'd get into that easily and I've got no issues with those who do like him but for me personally, this is nothing really all that special as I'm not that amazed by what I hear and that is a good point on which to end this review.<

4 / 10

Nothing special

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"Friend, Enemy, Stranger" Track-listing:

1. Cry Wolf
2. Only One
3. First World
4. The Whirlwind's Wife
5. Shadow Servitude
6. Shallows Edge
7. Ash Tree
8. Hesitation
9. Hell And High Water
10. Friend, Enemy, Stranger
11. My Love
12. Up And Leave
13. Before Too Late
14. We Will All Be Strangers Again Soon

Blake Bliss Lineup:

Blake Bliss - Everything

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