Blade Killer

Blade Killer

Traditional Metallers BLADE KILLER hail from California with a big bag full of riffs and […]
By Dan Mailer
February 19, 2014
Blade Killer - Blade Killer album cover

Traditional Metallers BLADE KILLER hail from California with a big bag full of riffs and classic sounds. Their self-titled EP is a great introduction to the band, with lots of old school guitar playing and melodic playing all round.

"On The Attack" kicks things off with a stabbing intro riff slightly reminiscent of CAULDRON but quite a bit more speed metal in execution. There's cool riffs here - quite simple in structure but a good one to rock out to for sure, making this a good start to the EP with an awesome lead vocal and an awesome solo later on, supported by pounding drums and nice deep bass laying a foundation. An awesome guitar harmony only serves to make the song even stronger.

The next song "Don't Hold Back (Break Away)" begins with a cool twin guitar attack that sets the scene right away, giving way to a great verse riff. This is a highlight of the EP with lots of cool playing and a nice tense sound, and a great chorus. A harmonised solo only adds to affairs here; definitely one to check out!

"Made Of Steel" is another one with a great intro, like a really old school IRON MAIDEN riff that then gets a bit heavier; lots of awesome guitar harmonies and vocals really make this a cool track!

"Raise Your Fist" closes the album, with more riffage and some nice technical playing too. I particularly liked the dynamic vocal performance here, with some aggressive singing blending really well with the melodic. Another great solo tops of this song and the EP as a whole, and it's a nice way to finish the album, with lots going on throughout.

The production is pretty good here, especially for an EP, drums and bass working together to support the fantastic lead guitars and vocals that are definitely the focus here. It's all well recorded and you can hear everything that's going on nicely.

This is a great EP from BLADE KILLER, and here's hoping the band continues to deliver and evolve this sound, as the musicianship is great, and the overall feel is great too.

8 / 10


"Blade Killer" Track-listing:

1. On The Attack
2. Don't Hold Back (Break Away)
3. Made Of Steel
4. Raise Your Fist

Blade Killer Lineup:

Carlos Gutierrez - Vocals
Kelsey Wilson - Bass
Jonathan Rubio - Lead Guitar
Jay Vazquez - Lead Guitar

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