Can't Die, Won't Die

Black Spiders

Spinefarm Records had no information on this artist on their website. So, we will have […]
Black Spiders - Can't Die

Spinefarm Records had no information on this artist on their website. So, we will have to let the music do the talking. "Can't Die, Won't Die" is the album here, and it has 12 songs. "Introduction" is the first. A slow, gritty riff appears on the horizon, with vocal chanting in the background. Layers begin to build and then die, leaving behind the open note riff pattern. "Hot Wheels" is the first proper track. It has a simple, AC/DC type riff pattern with catchy vocals and even some harmonies. The bass work is excellent, and it has a greasy bar band type of feeling, in every good sense of that phrase.

"Driving My Rooster" is faster in pace and has a rousing sound, with a thick and heavy bottom end. The riffs are simple, but effective, and the vocalist has a good range he can work with. "Alright Alright Alright" is an anthemic piece, and something you might yell out when things are going well for you. So far, it's those meaty bass lines that I like the most. They support the main sound, but also drive it at times. "Traitor's Walk" has a slower, and more emotional sound. The singer talks about "when all is not what you can see, the darkest places beckon me." It has a smooth, and easy-riding sound.

"Strange" doesn't sound much like it is titled, although that opening riff borders on the psychedelic, along with the leads, filled with wah-wah. This funky little song has another catchy chorus, and the background is filled nicely. "Make Me Bleed" is a mid-tempo rocker with a good deal of harmonies in the vocals. "You're always sniffing around" and "I can't remember where the lovin' went" are two lyric lines indicative of the tale of scorched love. "A Rat is a Rat" is a short, Punk-infused sound that combines the best of what bands like LA GUNS and MOTORHEAD could do. The fast-moving sound is quite catchy.

"End of the World" closes the album. It features another sleazy guitar riff and a thick bass line. The sound is a bit sad here, almost lamenting at times. But the chorus brings reality back to your face once again and reminds you that resolve is more useful than despair. Overall, I enjoyed the album. I normally don't take to this simple Hard Rock sound, but I found it honest, refreshing, and catchy. Perhaps the best part about the album is that the band plays with a confidence that you can hear in their music and aren't trying to be anything else but themselves.

8 / 10









"Can't Die, Won't Die" Track-listing:

1. Introduction
2. Hot Wheels
3. Driving My Rooster
4. Destroyer
5. Alright Alright Alright
6. Traitors Walk
7. It Is What It Is
8. Strange
9. Another Weekend
10. Make Me Bleed
11. A Rat is a Rat
12. End of the World

Black Spiders Lineup:


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