We Have Been Here Before

Black Space Riders

BLACK SPACE RIDERS are a psychedelic rock band with a mix of alternative rock, heavy […]
December 30, 2022
Black Space Riders - We Have Been Here Before album cover

BLACK SPACE RIDERS are a psychedelic rock band with a mix of alternative rock, heavy rock and possibly progressive rock also being added into the mix as they began their stardom in the year of 2008 with their self-titled album and then 4 years later on in 2012 came their second album titled LIGHT IS THE NEW BLACK. Their sound is mixed and can also be described as "a mission to discover their very own claim in the vast quadrants of heavy music. Their means have been well-chosen from the very beginning: The power of the almighty riff". Their third album came in 2014 which was titled D:REI. which was followed by their consecutive fourth album the next year in 2015 titled REFUGEEUM and for a third year a row another album which was their fifth release, an EP titled BEYOND REFUGEEUM.

Their following album being their fifth album titled AMORETUM VOL. 1 in the year of 2018 and then this was closely followed by AMORETUM VOL. 2 in the same year as the German rockers continue on produce yet another album and this is titled WE HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE in late October 2022. The new album is a testament to the fact that these guys have not lost their way when it comes to producing some of the best psychedelic rock music as the new album can be described as "multi-layered sounds, a deep and grounded ambience that gets you into feelings, amazing guitar and bass work, and best of all, it's a cosmic assault on your senses". So into the new album we go with the intro track "Crawling" which is literally a one minute soundscape mix of keyboards or sound effects compiled into one track to give the space rock feel and atmospheric sound the album needs to open with. "Crawling (Down With Everything)" has a bombastic drum pattern with boomy guitars and low range vocals cutting through with style and conviction.

There is a rhythm that both drums and guitars follow that is very much the epicenter of what this track is about and even drums has aspects of a marching drum roll style. Vocals are in existence but the lead vocals line doesn't stick around for much longer they do and we hear more of guitars crying as they expose their inner sense of creativity and drums just carries on as normal with those rolling patterns. Guitars also accent and bounce on a rhythm that is more free and fluent as guitar and drums have a short section to themselves before vocals return to the fore. "Trapped In An Endless Loop" as the drums kick the door down to psychedelic rock 'n' roll as vocals and guitars play as bass plays an interesting rhythmic pattern, guitar more sustained this time. Bass guitar acts a lead instrument more on this track and guitar holds back but comes to life more in the chorus section as it ramps up the amplified noise effect.

Even a variation in the vocal line has more to it then just those additional vocal lines, creating harmonies but still fiery and rash in attitude, as guitars are heavy as they pack a punch and drums flow on a straight forward heavy rock pattern with cymbal hits as accents. "Almost The Lost" has a nice synth intro with plucky guitar notes as they shine through with gladness and echo then they are pushed forward in their placement in the sound field, as a clicky percussive rhythm also joins in. Even a second guitar line briefly appears, then vocals cuts off the extra vocal line, but only so vocals can speak clearly and concise. This track merely continues with the same instrumentation and pop rock feel as drums come in with surprise as they flow so nicely and beautifully in the background. The drums build on this and create the louder and heavier psychedelic rock feel as a full band unison leads into the next track.

"This Flow" has a more electro-pop sound as we hear keyboard sound effects in a rhythmic movement and then guitar is creeping in too as a percussive pattern is in full flow, then vocals whisper a few words at a time, as we hear bass guitar as well. Vocals take a more direct approach with it's words and sense of rhythm as we hear the electronic aspects more in this track, it is more settled down and ambient. But then behold the drums come back in once more to stun us in it's own way to carry the track on as vocals are more on edge and drums does a sort of breakdown phase to lead us into the next track. "Shine" has a gradual crescendo of drums and guitars, then they both come into full on alternative and heavy duty rock 'n' roll. Electric guitar is the stand out instrument with it's high pitch notation and vocals come in like they did before with depth and warmth too as vocals lead the other instruments into a closing section which leads into the next track.

"AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGH" is much louder and guitars or drum project more than usual as vocals come into the fore but drums perform exquisitely with charm and passion, there is a more subtle or quiter section for vocals to come through more. But then loud gasps of 'argh' are very much the sole purpose and objective behind this track as we head straight into the next track which is "We Have Been Here Before" as it is the title of this album as well. With keyboard effects as a crescendo builds up as drums also contribute to this and bass guitar is in there too with electric guitars gives permission to drum to play heavier to lead the narrative. Vocals jump in with electric guitar on several accents and then a full band unison carries on til drums lead once more with vocal or guitar accents, as the track leads on with similar patterns, then a slight change in the next step of this track.

A sort of bridge section has drums leading the way as guitar plays wicked vibrato, with vocals quietly singing and then they rise as the rest of the band come together for the closing acts of defiance. "Beautiful" is a track opening with deep toned bass guitar playing with drums and guitar marking short sustained notes, as vocal follows a slow but mysterious direction as it sounds ominous but not pure evil. It roars loudly after this and it is not excessive at all and does hold itself together for bass guitar to tread carefully with subtle drums backing up the main protagonist which is vocals as they have cunning dynamics and misogynistic notation. "Fear No More" is a more pacey and faster four minute track with all instruments making their presence well known as vocals and drums are the driving force of this track specifically.

Vocals do flow nicely on top and drums very much gain the upper hand and slice through each section with different rhythmic patterns as guitar merely follows in tow. A more simplified section allows guitar and percussive elements to step forward and build a crescendo til we hear much more of a full band. So into the next track which is "In Dust" opens with a vocal echo and stunning drum pattern as a reverb guitar is also heard in the mid range quadrant of the audio spectrum. Guitar has hints of more sustained notes as well and drums cuts through with purpose and possession of what it is becoming through out each section of this track. This track also has a bit of ska rock rhythm with guitar as drums play on a more feel good steady rock approach with another drop in volume for a guitar and drum duet.

The track ends with a louder and prominent outro with a full band unison then another repeat of the quieter passage we heard before of drums and guitar as we head into the next track. "Leaving The Hill" has a slow and percussive intro with vocals simmering as guitar picks it's notes carefully and with precision, as the tempo and volume remain even until drums kicks guitar into a louder cry of harmonics ringing. A simple kick drum beating away with a marching pattern as the crescendo goes back to guitar sailing away with high end notation as before. The nice smooth vocal and guitar partnerships as drums settle down for the way into the next track, track thirteen which is titled "A Whisper" comes into play. A simple drum pattern on the even tempo and vocals with keyboards is reminding us of that sci fi atmosphere as there is a slight crescendo with keys and vocals.

A more quieter section where vocals and drum play mostly as keyboard joins in once more to deliver the fantasy dream of sound effects revolving around the main instrumentation. This carries on further and can set us up for the next track which is "Queen Of Light" as we hear guitar echoing in the far outer rims of the audio spectrum and then keyboards playing all the background noises or percussive elements. Vocals slowly come into the field of play and then a full band unison is in motion as vocals then play on a metronome set by drums where vocals to excel to their full potential. Then a steady build up by vocals and drums allows guitar to also contribute to the overall mix and it holds back when it is time to let other instruments take the spotlight. A non vocal section comes in with guitars, drums and keys playing until the transition and pathway into the last track which is "Worlds Collides Dans Me Tete".

The final track of this album has a slow and atmospheric feel with guitar picking notes, drums building the tension and vocals whispering as they have done so very well. There is the inclusion of spoken word in the midst of this track as the other instruments continue the same way as we hear the spoken word yet again. Drums start a slight crescendo but then drop off for bass guitar to accompany spoken word which is then interrupted by electric guitar and drums putting the foot down with confidence and authority. Vocals burns through with more fury and rage as they are heard with drums crashing against the wall of sound, then we hear a drum pattern with a slight buzz roll, as both guitars surround the drums for now. After a build up of guitar and drum, more crazy psychedelic rock 'n' roll as vocals lead the way for guitars and drums. Cymbal hits and keyboard close the track and brings the album to a close.

7 / 10









"We Have Been Here Before" Track-listing:

1. Crawling
2. Crawling (Down With Everything)
3. Trapped In An Endless Loop
4. Almost The Lost
5. This Flow
6. Shine
8. We Have Been Here Before
9. Beautiful
10. Fear No More
11. In Dust
12. Leaving The Hill
13. A Whisper
14. A Queen Of Light
15. World Collide Dans Me Tete

Black Space Riders Lineup:

SEB - Lead Vocals
JE - Lead Guitars and Vocals
SLI - Guitars and Songwriting
MEI - Bass Guitar
C.RIP - Drums, Vocals and Songwriting

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