Endless Wound

Black Curse

Denver, Colorado is home to a diverse Metal scene and is home to acts such […]
By Liam Easley
May 19, 2020
Black Curse - Endless Wound album cover

Denver, Colorado is home to a diverse Metal scene and is home to acts such as KHEMMIS, BLOOD INCANTATION and SPECTRAL VOICE, three respectable bands that are all represented by members of BLACK CURSE, a new Blackened Doom/Death Metal band from the area. The band released their first full length, "Endless Wound" on Apr. 2.

There was not one thing I could find wrong about this album. Even the things that could have been considered remotely bland took on their own form and became exciting. This record was purely original, an adjective not loosely thrown around in the modern scene.

"Charnel Rift" opened the album as one of the best examples of songwriting on this album, and it was all thanks to Zach Coleman, the drummer. When a riff kept going, Coleman changed his style to create a nicely woven groove. In the rest of his drumming, he made the album sound as chaotic yet coherent as possible.

Outside of drumming, the first track also delivered great overall songwriting. The song went from Black Metal-infused passages to Doom Metal breaks in mere seconds, and the transitioning was always impeccable. In fact, every track that had a Doom break had impeccable transitioning.

"Enraptured by Decay" was a very good example of what this band was capable of. A large portion of the track was reserved for a Doom Metal breakdown, and it went on forever, but it never got old. "Finality I Behold" was also like this.

Each track had the filler riffs that one might expect in Death Metal, but they all sounded fresh. This was because the band utilized the different members, giving different sections of the riff different drum patterns or different lyrical structures. Or the band took a seemingly typical riff and gave it their own spin.

"Endless Wound" took Doom Metal, a rhythmic, catchy, riff-based sound, Black Metal, a punk-filled, bleak harshness, and Death Metal, a twisting, pounding madness and combined them into one. At times, the juxtaposing Doom Metal and Black Metal mixed simultaneously, both sounds occurring at the same time. It was a spectacle of songwriting.

10 / 10









"Endless Wound" Track-listing:

1. Charnel Rift
2. Crowned in (Floral) Vice
3. Enraptured by Decay
4. Seared Eyes
5. Lifeless Sanctum
6. Endless Wound
7. Finality I Behold

Black Curse Lineup:

Morris Kolontyrsky - Bass
Antinom - Drums
Jonathan Campos - Guitars
Gravetorn - Guitars & Vocals

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