The Wreckage of Stars

Black Crown Initiate

Alright let's get down to business, this album is pretty straight forward. I mean it […]
By Lauryn Plummer
November 21, 2014
Black Crown Initiate - The Wreckage of Stars album cover

Alright let's get down to business, this album is pretty straight forward. I mean it displays the bands talents and it has a range of clean and unclean vocals, heavy guitars, acoustic guitars, fast metal drum beats to no drumbeats all. This album just has a wide variety of different things and you just won't ever get bored of it. Starting off the ten track album is "Great Mistake" which starts off quietly so your initial thoughts are "What comes next?" As you get through the song it's like a rollercoaster of unclean and clean vocals, it just changes but it proves that they aren't a band that sticks to one type of vocals, they use both.

Throughout the album you have a wide range of songs, for example there is "Great Mistakes," "Malignant," "Withering Wolves," and "The Wreckage of Stars" which are the longer songs on the album. This is where you get different types of guitar work, both acoustic and electric, a combination of clean and unclean vocals, as well as fast and slow drum beats. You can clearly see that these guys know what they are doing. They don't stick to just one thing and I personally believe that this is really important when you are in a band. Then you have the proper metal side of the band, tracks such as "The Fractured One," "The Human Lie Manifest", Withering Wolves," and "Shapes Collapse" where there is no build up at all you're just hit with a wave of instruments that all just mix together and make some ear melting tracks.

There was one song that really stuck out for me though. "The Wreckage of Stars" was a smooth transition from the previous track "To The Eye That Leads You" as they both have quiet starts. But with "The Wreckage of Stars" (Coincidentaly the album title too) it sounds pretty much like an instrumental through most of it. At first it's just guitars, literally all you hear is guitar for about 2 minutes then it starts to get louder than what it started with and the drums are introduced. You're 4 minutes in and then the track really picks up and you hear the full on instruments that you get with all of the other tracks you've heard previously. You return to the mix of loud instruments, clean and unclean vocals.

Ending the album is "Linear" which is the shortest track on the album. It's a quiet finish to the album, I must admit and it is totally different than all of the other tracks. It's just a less everything kind of song, less noise and less vocals. The whole song is just clean vocals, you still have the heavy element with the fast drumming and you wouldn't think it fits with the song but it actually does, and it surprises you.

8 / 10


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"The Wreckage of Stars" Track-listing:

1. Great Mistake
2. The Fractured One
3. Malignant
4. The Human Lie Manifest
5. Withering Waves
6. To The Eye That Leads You
7. The Wreckage of Stars
8. Shapes Collapse
9. Purge
10. Linear

Black Crown Initiate Lineup:

James Dorton - Vocals
Rik Stelzpflug - Guitars, Vocals
Andy Thomas - Guitars, Vocals
Nick Shaw - Bass
Jesse Beahler - Drums

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