Nocturnal Bloodlust

Black Beast

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: BLACK BEAST; signed via Primitive […]
By Craig Rider
September 18, 2020
Black Beast - Nocturnal Bloodlust album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: BLACK BEAST; signed via Primitive Reaction Records, hailing from Finnish grounds - performing Black Metal, on their debut album entitled: "Nocturnal Bloodlust" (released November 8th, 2019). Since formation in 2002; the trio in question have a EP entitled: "Black Beast" (released April 2005); a Split entitled: "Unholy Finnish Black Horror Union" (released February 2006), and this here debut album that I am introduced to entitled: "Nocturnal Bloodlust". 9 tracks ranging at around 33:16 BLACK BEAST arrange an intricately designed formula of some heavy-hitting Black Metal developments.

Opening up with the blistering, barrage frenzy within the "Prelude"; BLACK BEAST unleash an amplified adrenaline of some sonically seamless retribution, arming a brimming fabrication that revels with this thunderous onslaught of rhythmic mayhem & this boisterously bouncy synergy of reverberating rebellion while rumbling with groovy execution. The meat of this monstrous behemoth is indeed from where the monolithic bulldozer "Black Seremony" takes over your soul; the relentless yet spellbinding guitars assimilate eardrums with this fierce fretwork in chaotic shredding, sulphurous trailblazing rips surge with weighty subjugation...razor-sharp firepower grinds into a distorted maelstrom of primitively raw rattling that will thrash your skull and bones to bits. Audible finesse expertly crafts this savagely sinister malevolence that bludgeons eardrums into a hardened attribute in bombastic; skyrocketing madness, contrasting a commanding expertise that will make you want to break chairs over other chairs in no time!

Consisting of Infernal Tormentor Necrocorpse von Demonblood (mouthful, no?); the frontman excels at a thrilling manifestation with these throaty snarls, raspy yells & shouty but blackened roars that bleed into a hefty scream of raging heat & growling gutturals implement an extreme element in aggressive laceration that will shatter windows with mighty but groundbreaking persistence. "Riding On Wings Of Death" perseveres with these tempestuous yet piledriving aesthetics from battering drummer Lord Sipilä; who marvellously hammers his set with steely precision, rambunctious yet wildly rushing crescendos in which stomp with intense furocity & oscillating pummellings that showcase this experimental hybrid in immersive intensity of furnacing, but galloping frolics. "Your Cold Grave" creates a dexterously dynamic virtuosity with quintessential quakes while merging these rapidly nimble tears that stampede with strumming velocity from guitar/bass multitasker Ruumisruhtinas who venomously injects an infectiously driven complexity in belting but bruising characteristics, converging crunchy yet punchy jumpiness revolving around a vibrantly potent quirk in blasphemous yet visceral rifts.

"Words Of Leviathan" solidifies this ritualistic satanism; viciously thumping with this slaying battalion in hauntingly daunting desolation, resonantly triggering this gnarly atmosphere of what makes you think of this deadly ceremony in unholy yet otherworldly sacramental rites that mixes the rough songwriting musicianship with the outrageous imagination in destructive armageddon and profane sagriledge. "Unholy One" demonstrates an evil empowering embodiment in concretely gritty hymns; where this hinted crust-thrash trembling in Black Metal majesty mesmerises you with the melodic rhythms, and hypnotising blast-beats with neck breaking contortion...devilishly outbursting this oozing nightmare that culminates a healthy dose of some shrieking remedies, volatile pounds & ungodly damnation in which overtakes your soul with wickedly radical malice.

The titular track distils a chiselling fluidity in polished sound production tribulation; where the rowdy but bestial invasion of rollicking panache, outré domination and hostile heaviness grumbles with resounding sturdiness while this tight yet thick premise on uniquely versatile vehemence crushes into a demolition of warlike rampaging & hellish glory. The riffs scorch while the ominous yet unrelenting but abrasive screams shroud your speakers with riveting stability. Until the penultimate track: "Fist Of The Devil" smacks you with this slabbing yet colossal blitz of jagged vocals; drilling calamities, and this whirlwinding spectrum of high-octane, organic substance that portrays a fiendish amount of ruthless pandemonium juxtaposed with some scattering boundaries in a borderline foundation of some crisp & blackened thrash 'n' roll havoc.

Overall concluding "Nocturnal Bloodlust" with the finale epic: "Symbol For My Devotion"; where the towering unearthing of some of the most mightiest speed drumming in existence, and brutal systematics of these demonic cords but explosive and beefy instrumentals that strike with profusely robust pursuits in combustible furocity...channeling this remarkably splendid yet jarringly jagged & ripped flair of flamboyantly dark but exhilarating thrills will most surely stimulate your body into this thudding but crazed air-guitar madman with momentous yet maniacal reprisal.

Bottom line; I am compelled to say that BLACK BEAST certainly outdone themselves with this one, for a debut it is a brilliant discovery and definitely a record that rewards you with multiple playthroughs because it is an enjoyably entertaining but a distinctively distinguished experience that will electrify bodies into a blazed snare of titanic insanity. "Nocturnal Bloodlust" deserves a slot within all collections, and while the wheels of this sub-genre aren't entirely reinvented...they have conjured a boiling refinery of some modernized yet refreshingly ambitious diligence in adventurously detailed originalities that will surprise you tenfold. They know what they have done! And it is a rampant revelation for everyday needs to steam frustrations away. Now wait until nightfall, and let the black beast within you hunger for that nocturnal nightshade of tribal uproar! Have at it at either time of the day, it will upscale and boost it for sure.

10 / 10









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"Nocturnal Bloodlust" Track-listing:

1. Prelude
2. Black Seremony
3. Riding on Wings of Death
4. Your Cold Grave
5. Words of Leviathan
6. Unholy One
7. Nocturnal Bloodlust
8. Fist of the Devil
9. Symbol for my Devotion

Black Beast Lineup:

Ruumisruhtinas - Guitars/Bass
Infernal Tormentor Necrocorpse von Demonblood - Vocals
Lord Sipilä - Drums

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