
Biotoxic Warfare

Originating from Greece in 2012 and experiencing a few line-up changes, BIOTOXIC WARFARE have produced […]
By Lauryn Plummer
December 19, 2014
Biotoxic Warfare - Lobotomized album cover

Originating from Greece in 2012 and experiencing a few line-up changes, BIOTOXIC WARFARE have produced their first full-length album "Lobotomized". In its entirety it has a Thrash Metal vibe to it, I mean they are a Thrash Metal band, what more do you expect really. Compared to other band's albums, which normally have a start to an album, where it is either full on or quiet. But with this band, it's a little different; "Mors Indecepta" is a full 3-minute long instrumental. It's not fast at first but then it kicks into something much faster, it morphs into a Speed Metal track. As you progress through the album, you realise it's full to the brim with different types of riffs, drums fills and all round Metal guitar solos. Not to mention the strong vocals that you are introduced to in "Proclaim The Gospel Of Lies". Vocalist Mike clearly wants to make a statement, as his screams are heard for the first time and that's exactly what he does.

Riff started tracks like "Baptized In Blood And Greed", "Dsyphoric Reality" are songs that evolve from Thrash Metal into Speed Metal. It works with the way the song was musically composed and that makes it a good track. Now, when you strip back all heaviness of the vocals and really listen to the lyrics, you see some meaning and it's not just a load of screaming that no one understands,

"Lobotomized", also the album title, is a track that stands out for me, not just because it has the same name as the album, but because of its difference compared to the other tracks on the album. It starts off with just guitars, nothing else but that. Which means it's a softer star to the song. With the last 3 tracks at the end of the album being "Lust For Hate" "Parastic Life" and "As We Rot (Promises Of Heaven)" complete the album with the same kind of direction that thy started with, fast, heavy and strong.<

7 / 10


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"Lobotomized" Track-listing:

1. Mors Indecepta
2. Proclaim The Gospel Of Lies
3. Baptized In Blood And Greed
4. Dsyphoric Reality
5. Lobotomized
6. Lust For Hate
7. Parastic Life
8. As We Rot (Promises of Heaven)

Biotoxic Warfare Lineup:

Mike Kavalos - Vocals
George "Dimator" Dimitrakakis - Lead Guitar, Backup Vocals
Stellos Sfendilakis - Rhythm Guitar
Panagotis Polioudakis - Bass
Orestis Drapaniotis - Drums

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