
Bicoloured Men

Founded in 2005, Bologna, Italy, BICOLOURED MEN are going back to metal's routes and have […]
By Megan McMillan
March 1, 2015
Bicoloured Men - Hybrid album cover

Founded in 2005, Bologna, Italy, BICOLOURED MEN are going back to metal's routes and have an album that is classic in every sense of the word. The only thing modern about "Hybrid" is the production quality which is pristine. It screams 80s. Think RONNIE JAMES DIO, SAXO, DIAMOND HEAD ect. and you get the idea of what the band are about.

The melodic, crunchy guitars, high speed drums, and soaring Rob Halford-esque vocals make up the core sound of "Hybrid". The colourful sounds that scorch the record show that metal can be happy, and not doom led like a lot of extreme bands today. Although, there are cheesy elements to the songs, it serves the band well because of their traditional approach to heavy metal. Emanuele Gulminelli's stereotypical, high pitched metal vocals that give the music a pop-ish tone to the music. The melodies, alongside the catchy harmonies that the band are producing in the anthem, "We Need Rockers to Save the World".

Throughout the record there is the same exciting energy old school NWOBHM bands, particularly 1980s IRON MAIDEN, created with their sharp guitar, power chords and hard hitting drum beat. There's no end to the amount of melodies and harmonies forged mainly by the guitar work and vocals. The catchy hooks in songs like "Iron Fist", make every song memorable in its own right. Whereas other songs are driven by sweet guitar solos, and killer bass lines such as in "Metal Man" and "The Stockholm Bloodbath", which is what gives the music a bit of edge which the music that otherwise would be with the album's pop quality.

Although the band is made up of five skill full musicians, and have forged seven well written songs in their debut, the songs lack true power. All the instruments come together well to create enjoyable, hard rocking tracks, but at the same time there is a thinness to them that can feel underwhelming at times. Especially in choruses where the power chords don't have that face melting factor the classic bands did. But regardless, if you are into the New Wave of British Heavy Metal bands from the 80s, and want something fresh to listen too other than IRON MAIDEN, then BICOLOURED MEN are definitely a band for you.

7 / 10


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"Hybrid" Track-listing:

1. Ghostation
2. Iron Fist
3. Metal Man
4. The Bloody Priest
5. The Last Storm
6. The Stockholm Bloodbath
7. We Need Rockers to Save the World

Bicoloured Men Lineup:

Emanuele Gulminelli - Vocals
Luca Bovarini - Guitars
Gianluca Ronco - Guitars
Francesco Raimondi - Bass guitars
Dario Serra - Drums

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