Beyond Dishonor
May 27, 2015

You may just see Metalcore and jump to the assumption that they're just another melodic band, however you are wrong. BEYOND DISHONOR are not even signed to a label, and within the Metal community DIY isn't really successful. Their latest record "Generations" leaves no traces of their independent work as it sounds like any other band's EP. Well recorded and polished in every aspect, it's almost beyond belief that the band is not with a label yet.
Brining Metalcore flares from Trenton, NJ, the band clearly demonstrate modern metal, with clear influences from EMMURE, CHELSEA GRIN and EVERY TIME I DIE. Their first track "Heisenberg" shows clear evidence of this modern influence as they smash every aspect of Metalcore. Sure the track appears utterly generic with its computerised intro that hits every single djenty grove accordingly, but it's still very well composed for BEYOND DISHNOR. Samie until it reaches a gradual end where delayed gang vocals are placed, that screams the track into darkness.
It's hard to stand completely out within Metalcore music, yet BEYOND DISHONOR seems to have done exactly this. Reese Dunlap's stern but authoritative vocals give the band he extra edge they need, as his power greatly dominates each song. Found in "Ed 209 vs The Staircase" where his vocal range drops to deep lows, before gradually marking a mid-tone howl.
The band seem to progress to a metallic dejent sound which is a lot heaver and impacting than the previous track.
There are a few tracks within the record that are pretty bland and seem to just follow on from the next like, "That Sinking Feeling" and "Gods Greatest Gift". However at least the last track makes use of EMMURE's lyrical content, "shake that arse bitch." Not one of the best lines that BEYOND DISHONOR have within their songs but certainty live up to the stereotypes.
Thank God for "What Clayton Bigsby Doesn't Know", which is a track that is highly addictive with it's exploding guitar riffs. The change of tempo adds to the diversity that the band produce throughout this record. Vocally, Dunlap takes on a Vigril's from THE GHOST INSIDE, which is a hard sound to imitate.
Within the six songs that make up "Generations", BEYOND DISHONOR have polished off a decent record that expands their talent with different mixtures of Metalcore, not just the generic pig squeals you always hear.
8 / 10

"Generations" Track-listing:
1. Heisenberg
2. Ed 209 vs The Staircase
3. What Clayton Bigsby Doesn't Know
4. The Sinking Feeling
5. Last Chance For a Lost Cause
6. Gods Greatest Gift
Beyond Dishonor Lineup:
Reese Dunlap - Vocals
Mike Lock - Drums
Wesley Ingraham - Guitars
Mark Salmon - Guitars
Bryan San Martin - Bass
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