November 24, 2014

"Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia" is a fear of the number 666. This seems like a very strange name for a band that used to embrace Black Metal to use for a title for their new album. But, as fans of this band will know, they've evolved past the genre as most people would recognise it and have begun to incorporate a lot of different styles, including experimental music and Rock music. The album opener, "Ein Kettenwolf greint 13:11-18", is a decent Hard Rock song with powerful vocals and some nice melodies. This isn't your typical Hard Rock song though, and it's clear that some of the Black Metal influences are still there, if only in essence.
Next comes "Egon Erwin's Mongo-Mumu", which is quite an interesting song, and slowly builds into a great track, but doesn't really get heavy. It's a much more mellow affair. Like many of the songs on this album, the instruments all complement each other very well, rather than just going for a huge wall of noise approach. "Verbacht in Plastiknacht" is a tiny bit heavier, but again, it sticks to a more mellow pace. In fact, very few of the songs on this record are really what would be recognised as really "heavy". From the brilliant, shoegaze-esque "Gebor'n um zu versagen" to the the melancholic and beautiful "Letale familiare Insomnie", there are plenty of songs on this record which are more suited to relaxing rather than moshing and headbanging, and this is one of the things that make this record awesome.
The time's when the album does get heavier, such as on "Kinski's Cordycepsgemach", which is very industrial and driven by the thick and fuzzy Bass riff that opens it, don't stray too far from the softer sounds. Perhaps the highlight of this album, "Ich aß gern' Federn", is a song that is quite calming and works very well. Contrary to what this album's title suggests, you shouldn't be afraid of 666, or at the very least this particular variation of the number. You should check it out, and see whether it's for you. If you enjoy more mellow Rock and Metal, then I'm sure you will find this to be great.
8 / 10

"Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia" Track-listing:
1. Ein Kettenwolf greint 13:11-18
2. Egon Erwin's Mongo-Mumu
3. Verbracht in Plastiknacht
4. Gebor'n, um zu versagen
5. Nazi Zombies mit Tourettes-Syndrom
6. Spontaner Freitod
7. Warum wurdest du bloss solch ein Schwein?
8. Hochst alberner Wichs
9. Ich aß gern' Federn
10. Letale familiare Insomnie
11. Kinski's Cordycepsgemach
12. Antliz eines Teilzeitfreaks
Bethlehem Lineup:
Jurgen Bartsch - Bass, Keyboards
Florian "Torturer" Klein - Drums
Olaf Eckhardt - Guitars
Guido Meyer de Voltaire - Vocals
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