Brutalive The Sick


You know, I really don't like that "pig noise" some singers do bit. Some people […]
By Calen Nesten
February 24, 2015
Benighted - Brutalive The Sick album cover

You know, I really don't like that "pig noise" some singers do bit. Some people don't pull it off right, or they turn it into a lame joke. So it's not often that I find myself liking to hear it in a band, but  BENIGHTED are one of my exceptions. They are a really well put-together group that has been entertaining fans for years. Later this month, they will be releasing a video of one of their most memorable performances. On February 23rd in Europe, and the 24th in the United States, BENIGHTED  will be releasing "Brutalive the Sick".

The performance was recorded during their performance at the "Sylak Open Air" concert in France on August 9th, 2014. Along with my prejudice against pig squeals, I don't really like live albums, but once again BENIGHTED surprised me with their performance .

The album is clear and well produced, you hardly tell it's a live album except for the passionate cheers from the crowd and Truchan's interaction with them. You don't hear them falter at all during their set, they remain energetic and in sync which is impressive for all of the brutal and demanding songs they play. There is hardly interruption, mostly the band thanking the crowd and them showing love right back. Basically, no annoying banter only the bassist finds funny here.  Every member is well practiced and professional.  "Brutalive the Sick" is a perfect album for new fans of BENIGHTED. The 13 tracks highlight some of their most popular songs in their seven album discography. The quality of "Brutalive the Sick" is awesome for a live performance, it's easy to forget until the final note is struck and the crowd starts going crazy. You become fully immersed in the experience. The album also comes with a DVD of the performance so you can properly thrash your living-room!

10 / 10


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"Brutalive The Sick" Track-listing:
  1. X2Y
  2. Noise
  3. Experience Your Flesh
  4. Slaughter/Suicide
  5. Spit
  6. Defiled Purity
  7. Jekyll
  8. Collection OF Dead Portraits
  9. Carnivore Sublime
  10. Les Morsures De Cerbere
  11. June And The Laconic Holistic
Benighted Lineup:

Julien Truchan - Vocals
Oliver Gabriel - Guitar
Kevin Foley - Drums
Emmanuel Dalle - Guitar
Pierre Arnoux - Bass/Backing Vocals

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