Killing Music (Reissue)


I have always wondered what happened in those seven years between "Organized Chaos" and the […]
December 19, 2014
Benediction - Killing Music (Reissue) album cover

I have always wondered what happened in those seven years between "Organized Chaos" and the band's latest "Killing Music". Frankly, I never bothered looking into to it, so why start now? There is no need for extra gossiping on a band's status. Check out BOLT THROWER, the last time they wrote new material was back in 2005 and they are still wrecking stages worldwide. So back to the other British titans, BENEDICTION, yes I have been following them with reviews for the last two albums, and this here one, "Killing Music", reissued by Metal Mind Productions, is their latest release and with a shred of hope on my part, not their last. As a small intro, before I continue to dwell, I suppose that some of you would feel that there is a new beast in town, but honestly, I would prefer the older beast heading forward.

Even though I might not have recognized this "Killing Music", which is a fairly provocative title with plenty to think about the wits behind it, in comparison to the earlier material, even the last two releases, BENEDICTION put out a wall of sound so massive. Metal Mind Productions might have been the factor behind the album's remastering, yet in origin it wasn't that far from what you would witness right here. Mick Kenney, one of the pillars of ANAAL NATHRAKH, made sure that BENEDICTION would sound explosive, heavy as hell and immensely bombastic. The turnout was a reminiscent of the last two albums in terms of production values, but with an emphasis of the compelling sound of bands like ACCUSER in their mid to late 90's Groove sound prime. Guys, it was a clear treat to listen to the band's iron sounding fists.

On the other hand, the sound feature takes only a small piece of the pie right? What about the songs and music? I believe that "Killing Music", though certainly not being the band's foremost material, is in a way the band's most diverse album. Still going strong with Groove Metal, and similar to "Organized Chaos" that somewhat returned the band's Death and brutal Thrash Metal battering, BENEDICTION found some salvation with Punk N' Metal, comparable to the stuff on "Grind Bastard", along with several elements of Hardcore or the first steps of Deathcore, not that it wasn't there already. For a few moments the band really caught fire with destructive tunes like the killer Thrash / Death collider, "They Must Die Screaming", awkward but butchering "Cold, Deathless, Unrepentant", the blasting neo Death Metal grinder "Wrath and Regret" and there was "Beg, You Dogs" was a challenging tune, quite irregular but still high profile.

After listening it for several times, it is a bit unclear to me why can't I fully digest "Killing Music"? In general, it is a solid piece of modern Death Metal, on its various of forms, nice musical outputs, sometimes a bit tedious as if the guys had no more ideas and just repeated themselves. And how can I forget the cool bonus covers for Punk / Thrash combs of BROKEN BONES and the legendary AMEBIX, which featured stars such as Kelly Shaefer (ATHEIST) and Karl Willets (BOLT THROWER) on backing vocals. Even with the rating, I suggest that you would experience this album, it might not be perfect, but it will crush your skull.

6 / 10

Had Potential

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"Killing Music (Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Intro
2. The Grey Man
3. Controlopolis (Rats in the Mask)
4. Killing Music
5. They Must Die Screaming
6. Dripping with Disgust
7. Wrath and Regret
8. As Her Skin Weeps
9. Cold, Deathless, Unrepentant
10. Immaculate Façade
11. Burying the Hatchet
12. Beg, You Dogs
13. Seeing Through My Eyes (Broken Bones Cover)
14. Largactyl (Amebix Cover)

Benediction Lineup:

Dave Hunt - Vocals
Darren Brookes - Guitars
Peter Rew - Guitars
Frank Healy - Bass
Neil Hutton - Drums

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