Sunrise Over Rigor Mortis
Beaten to Death

During the late 70s and all the 80s, many bands and musicians aimed at success in the USA musical market, and the efforts were done in this sense. Many musicians and even bands moved to USA, others made huge tours there. But when the market changed in the early years of the 90s, Europe became the new axis, and many national scenes arose, as Norway, Finland and Sweden. And from Norway comes BEATEN TO DEATH, a Grindcore quintet, here unleashing a violent storm of fury with their latest full-length, “Sunrise Over Rigor Mortis”. Their musical work is far from being a puritan form of Grindcore, but it uses a set of different influences, from Thrash Metal to Death Metal and even with Progressive Rock elements (as some ethereal parts heard on “My Hair Will Be Long Until Death”), even Industrial Metal (on “Dalbane” on can hear such traces on the mix), and even a subjective melodic sense (hear to “Minus Och Minus Blir Minus Och Minus” and see what such words mean).
It means that their musical work can sound brutal and aggressive on some moment, on others is into a heavier and catching way. And be prepared, because their music is a massive assault of energy and personality. The album sounds simple and brutal on its sonority (because it was recorded live and was mixed by the band’s guitarist Tommy), but defined and sharp, boosting both the aggressiveness of their music and the understanding of the listeners. And what lovely artwork for the cover was created by William Hay.
As their sixth full-length, the album depicts maturity and a sense that they know what they’re doing, as depicted on songs as “Dalbane” (a ferocious Grindcore song, but plenty of Thrash Metal and Death Metal elements, with charming tempos contrasts created by bass guitar and drums), “My Hair Will Be Long Until Death” (the noisy and distorted feeling of their music became entangled with Progressive elements, and what good contrasts between screams and grunts), “Minus Och Minus Blir Minus Och Minus” (as said above, some melodic Death Metal moments can be heard guiding its savage Grindcore/Hardcore appeal, with excellent guitar riffs and arrangements), “Dying the Dream” (the longer song of the album, so expect the unexpected, from clean vocals to grunts and screams, with excellent bass guitar and drums parts), “We’re Not Gonna Make It” (brutal and full of contrasts) and “Ormer Til Tarmer, Måne På Hodet”. And its short and excellent, really a great album to be heard.
It's obvious that people addicted to melodic ways will have difficulties dealing with “Sunrise Over Rigor Mortis”, but for those into extreme Metal ways or those who don’t care about limits, BEATEN TO DEATH’s music is a pleasure to be heard.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Sunrise Over Rigor Mortis" Track-listing:
- Dalbane
- My Hair Will Be Long Until Death
- Enkel Resa Till Limfabriken
- Minus Och Minus Blir Minus Och Minus
- Mosh for Mika (Waddle Waddle)
- Dying the Dream
- Life... but How to Leave It?
- We’re Not Gonna Make It
- Ormer Til Tarmer, Måne På Hodet
Beaten to Death Lineup:
Anders - Vocals
Martin - Guitars
Tommy - Guitars
Mika - Bass
Christian “Bartender” - Drums
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