The Infernal Gospel of Primitive Devil Worship
August 14, 2017

Certain characteristics are undeniable, and only proper to be acknowledged and related to particular things especially when they are considered dangerous, scandalous or too intense to be considered as worthy of being portrayed in regular and conventional channels of communication and display. Many genres have suffered changes that have often shaken their very foundations to the verge of threatening their existence and essence itself, but this has not been the case with Black Metal.
BEASTCRAFT are a Black Metal band from Norway resurfacing into the Norwegian "True" Black Metal seen after an uncertain departure a little over a decade ago. After proving that their continuance was a reality with the release of "Baptized in Blood and Goat Semen" , the current year allows us to witness the birth of "The Infernal Gospel of Primitive Devil Worship," an outstanding work that returns to the roots of the genre without any of the modern anomalies that the purists refer to as flaws in the true nature of their favorite music instead of features of evolution, like symphonic accompaniment, clean vocals or productions improvements. A true feeling of being able to glimpse into the depths of hell, this record allows us to enjoy the background of a pure form of the genre right in the year 2017, almost thirty years after it was originated by someone taking the name of a VENOM record to turn it into the cultural movement that some attribute to it these days.
I especially enjoyed "The Devil's Triumph" and "The Beast Descends" as an epitome of Black Metal throughout the phasing and evolution of the sound and the philosophy behind it all. Two anthems that could easily be the music for everything that has surrounded the genre over the decades it has managed to expand across the planet, becoming the seed for cultural phenomena like documentaries, it's utter and complete banning in some of the most religious countries of the world, and even going as far as to be added as one of Norway's tourist attractions and having one of the most important Black Metal musicians elected as a politician in the same country. "The Infernal Gospels of Primitive Devil Worship" is a perfectly structured record that sets the songs in a form of narrative from the instrumental intro to the last song where darkness and chaos as desired features take over the known universe to remind us that as one of the "Truest" trues once said it "The world need darkness, because the excess of light neither illuminates us nor shelters us, but it blind us and burns us" so come wallow in darkness away from all that tedious light and prepare yourself for a hellish ride with no consequences, a massive effort and overwhelming experience all together.
8 / 10

"The Infernal Gospel of Primitive Devil Worship" Track-listing:
1. Aapenbaring
2. Demonic Perversion
3. Deathcraft and Necromancy
4. The Fall of the Impotent God
5. Her Highness of Hell
6. Reborn Beyond the Grave
7. Waging War on the Heavens
8. The Devil's Triumph
9. The Beast Descends
Beastcraft Lineup:
Alastor Nefas - (RIP)
Sorath Northgrove - vocals
Enzifer - Guitar
Malphas - Guitar
Desecrator - Bass
LFF - Drums
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