Hear Evil

Bang Bang Firecracker

BANG BANG FIRECRACKER was conceived by founding member Kieron K Berry after touring with guitarist […]
By Fred Bonnano
June 30, 2022
Bang Bang Firecracker - Hear Evil album cover

BANG BANG FIRECRACKER was conceived by founding member Kieron K Berry after touring with guitarist from W.A.S.P. Chris Holmes. Berry brought in old friend Marcus Wrench (bass) to record their self-released debut album Welcome to the Slaughterhouse. After various collaborations, they would eventually land Bobby Ansell on drums and BANG BANG FIRECRACKER was complete. "Hear Evil" the second part of a 3 EP Evil Trilogy concept series, released May 5, 2022, following "See Evil" (July 2021) with "Speak Evil" forthcoming. With poignant, dark lyrics driven by personal experience and world events combined with intense guitar riffs, powerful solos and thundering bass and drumbeats to create their undeniably metal sound.

"The Power of 72" opens the EP with a powerful riff that carries throughout the entire song. The vocals will immediately remind you of Udo Dirkschneider of Accept accompanying a strong bass line to give a herculean companion to Kieron's fiery guitar solo. The taunting lyrics "Rage war, the sins of the saints, first blood to the God's in hate restraints" brought to bone chilling life by Kieron's demonic tone. "Set the World A Blaze" comes out with both guns a blazing (word play intended). Deep, strong vocals fit well with this song's tempo and attitude. I particularly love the deep, pounding feel of this song. Lyrics paint a picture of evil looming "Torn between the devil and the loaded dice, another day another sacrifice." Clean, polished, and steady drum and bass keep this song brutally heavy.

"Father Genocide" The almost spoken vocal pace on this song creates a slightly different sound and feel than the first two songs on the EP, which helps create a nasty and intense straight forward crunch. I really liked the change of pace as it shows the bands diversity, as minor as it may be exemplifies a sophisticated and well-crafted song I personally truly love dark, edgy and wicked lyrics, they scream metal. They make you look deep inside the true meaning of the songs as you go beyond the musical composition and that's just what Bang Bang Firecracker have accomplished with this EP. I know I mentioned Accept earlier in this review, but I came away with a Black Sabbath vibe. Kieron's riffs and solos reek of vigor and power to complement his haunting vocals and even more haunting songwriting.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Hear Evil" Track-listing:

1. The Power of 72
2. Set the World A Blaze
3. Father Genocide

Bang Bang Firecracker Lineup:

Kieron K Berry - vocals/guitar
Marcus Wrench - bass/backing vocals
Bobby Ansell - drums

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