Where Dreams Are Forgotten
November 3, 2014

"Where Dreams Are Forgotten" is the sixth album by Swedish power metal quartet "AXENSTAR" and is their first to be released under "Inner Wound Recordings".
Power metal is one of my favourite metal genres; I love the energy, the melodies, the vocals, everything about power metal never fails to get me pumped up, and that's exactly what AXENSTAR achieve from the very start of this album, "Fear" opens up "Where Dreams Are Forgotten" with speed and intensity, and sets the attitude for the album perfectly. What I love about this album is the diversity; frequently you will hear that signature power metal sound of harmonised guitar melodies and pretty 'cheesy' choruses, whilst surrounding all of the typical 'happy' sounding power metal genius, you also gets tastes of darker and moodier music, and AXENSTAR seem to blend the two attitudes well without causing too much musical conflict and confusion within a song.
"Inside The Maze" kicks off with a very catchy melody which slightly makes me think of bands like "HELLOWEEN" or "EDGUY", this is a great song with a moody verse and a typical catchy power metal chorus along with some great riffing from Joakim and Jens. "My Sacrifice" is next and is one of the highlights of this album. It starts off with possibly my favourite riff on this album, when the drums come in under this main riff you cannot help but bang your head to its galloping aggressiveness! Some of the lead work in this song is pretty amazing too!
I love when a power metal band like AXENSTAR can showcase a lot of aggression along with that signature power metal 'cheese'; It gives an album and/or band a lot more personality with the type of diversity shown here on "Where Dreams Are Forgotten". I feel as if this album can easily reach my top 10 power metal releases this year; it is a brilliant well structured, well written, well recorded work of art and I urge you to not let this go without your attention, buy it and support AXENSTAR. I'm already eager to see what these guys do next.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Where Dreams Are Forgotten" Track-listing:
1. Fear
2. Inside the Maze
3. My Sacrifice
4. Curse of the Tyrant
5. The Return
6. Demise
7. Annihilation
8. Greed
9. The Reaper
10. This False Imagery
11. Sweet Farewell
Axenstar Lineup:
Magnus Winterwild - Vocals, Bass
Joakim Jonsson - Lead Guitar
Jens Klovegard - Rhythm Guitar
Adam Lindberg - Drums
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