Spiritual Warfare


The band known as AWAKE came together in the late 1980’s and they began with […]
November 22, 2023

The band known as AWAKE came together in the late 1980’s and they began with MIKE BOTELLO who was a singer but also played guitar and bass, forming the group, which actually started out as a solo project but then, he was joined by JESSE VILLEGAS on lead guitars becoming a duo however drummer ROB BATTALION came in to make it a trio. So the band themselves have been described as a group of highly skilled musicians who ‘abandoned this stereotype by going against the grain not only musically, but with compelling thought-provoking lyrical content in the form of what was known at the time as ‘Progressive Power Rock/Metal’. They began gigging and went on the road for tours supporting mostly and they travelled across their home state of Texas, USA as well in 1989 and 1990.


After lots of gigging and supporting bands across the state, they finally entered a record deal with a label Shadow Records based in Corpus Christi, Texas as they went on to release their debut album SPIRITUAL WARFARE in 1990. However they did go on a hiatus lasting a period of 18 months, but they did come back together again for more gigging and joined by new drummer JOHN PACE in 1992, they played regularly but then the band didn’t go any further. After this MIKE BOTELLO had gone on to release a few solo albums of his own as a producer and the band were never to be heard from again, which is a shame as their only album was actually really good. So let’s take a look at it is being re-released this year, titled SPIRITUAL WARFARE of course as the first track is “Prelude”.


This first track opens with a synth sound of the 80’s rock era that certainly rings true, then guitars and drums come in gradually, guitar is gearing up with drums as well as we are set up for the next track which is “Reconcile”. Then the full force of the band comes into play as drums and guitar are the lead duality to draw in vocals into the mix, they are high in range and very melodic, such a lovely tone as well as having that 1908’s rock sound. Guitar as well sounds so rich and colourful as much and drums the overall mix is spot on, their tone and texture is close to perfection. Guitar solo riffs are what leads into the next track which is “Only The Strong Survive”, vocals sing a single note that echoes through as guitars team up with drums to rally the troops in this second track.


The progressive and power metal sound is evident in guitars and vocals as drums also support so well, as they are dynamic and create such flows of rhythm in this track, there is an instrumental section but vocals do come back into the mix. There are cymbals crashing from drums and lead guitar sets the bar high with more soloistic riffs, then we head into the next track which is “The System” as drums serve up their best hits and accented cymbals for guitar but also vocals to come in also. An instrumental section allows drums and guitars to let their imagination run wild and become creative, vocals do enjoy their own melodic passage as we come to the next track which is “Drums Of War”. This is very much a track for drums to perform a soloistic march to the beat, with such skill and talent, this sets us up for the next track.


“Unjust” is up next, with some drumming to introduce the guitars and the tempo is quick at first then slows down as drums play another phase of marching rhythm with a synth based background. Drums do well to support the vocals, as guitars make their contribution when vocals take a step back throughout the track, they create the transition then into the next track which is “Change”. As we hear such wonderful guitar playing with the strumming coming through the mix nicely, cymbals warm up in a gradual crescendo as vocals sing their hearts out, drums play a lot quieter this time as they allow guitars or vocals to move into the spotlight. Even lead guitar has another sensational solo riff that stands out as vocals sing harmoniously, so we can now move on into the next track.


“Truth And Reality” as a guitar riff plays slowly and so positively as it brings in the drums and vocals too, as vocals seem to have two contrasting parts so we have a backing vocal part in addition. Another instrumental section for drums and guitar to enjoy til vocals come back in for more of the energetic excitement of seeing this track through til the next track starts which is “Mirror, Mirror”. As we hear a synth sound effect playing with a slow build up on drums, getting louder than it is more of a slow but hard hitting drum pattern with stunning guitar riffs and vocals even the sound of backing vocals is so bright and joyful. The track is calm and allows all the instrumentation to have their part to play, so we can now go on into the next track which is “The Kingdom”.


As another slow tempo is in motion with mid range guitar that shines through with glory and then another 80’s sound of keyboards is flowing nicely, as vocals enter the fray. Drums come in gradually, with taps on the cymbals before they are in full force as the guitar changes its rhythm; however the slower tempo can be heard in the next section, with a more percussive approach on this occasion. Even drums and lead guitar get to have their own passage of play, as vocals sing over on top, so we go on into the eleventh track which is “See Me Now”, vocals are in front first with such a beautiful melody as lead guitar is more acoustic at first together with a keyboard sound in the background.


A vocal cry that extends for a sustained note that holds itself before drums eventually come into the mix, as they slide themselves into position. The overall mixture of drums, guitars and vocals is certainly more melodic this time, there is also a short solo part for guitar and drums to enjoy as well before lead guitar becomes ecstatic with harmonious vibrato. “Faith” is up next with a keyboard line at first as we hear sci-fi sound effects also floating around as vocals warm themselves up for this is a track merely for vocals and keyboard, straight into the next track which is “Spiritual Warfare”. The sound of the keyboard is still active as the lead guitar cues in vocals as we come to the thirteenth track, steadily near the end of the album.


Electrifying lead guitar solos are heard before we hear a voice or narrator speaking softly over the slow guitar riff being played. After which another sustained vocal note echoes and drums come back into the picture as we hear even more fascinating guitar playing, as drums do what they can to provide depth and projection in this track especially. “Hidden Gems” is the final track after we hear bells being rung and it should be noted that this is a compilation of rehearsal recordings put together that are dated between 1991-92. So we can certainly hear the raw sound of the band, it is great to hear this side of the band, after all this was their only release.

I did enjoy this album, it certainly has the 1980’s rock feel to it, the vocals does also have a swagger to their style and drums as well as lead guitar were both staggering, as they worked very well together. So it is sad that this band went no further after this release, unfortunately their original guitarist JESSE VILLEGAS passed away in 2016, but MIKE BOTELLO has gone on with his own solo career, so perhaps the band’s sound lives on in some way.

8 / 10









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"Spiritual Warfare" Track-listing:

1. Prelude

2. Reconcile

3. Only The Strong Survive

4. The System

5. Drums Of War

6.  Unjust

7. Change

8. Truth And Reality

9. Mirror, Mirror

10. The Kingdom

11. See Me Now

12. Faith

13. Spiritual Warfare

14. Hidden Gems


Awake Lineup:

Mike Botello - Lead Vocals, Guitars, Bass and Keys

Jesse Villegas - Guitars

Rob Battalion - Drums

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