

What I suspect is that when you have the chance to see them live, you will become on of the “Freaks” in the audience, because I feel that the songs on the album lend themselves brilliantly to being live favourites.
June 16, 2024

As I have stated before in my reviews, I am enjoying and appreciating the Metalcore scene more by the week. Like in every part of the Heavy Metal scene, you have your absolute gems, the good bands, the capable artists and the weaker ones. So, it can’t be a surprise that I have been awarded another crack at reviewing such a band. AVRALIZE is a south German Modern Metalcore band that is not afraid to use danceable rhythms in their music. They have just released their debut album called “Freaks” and it gives me great pleasure to try and give you an idea to what is in store for you as a listener.

First off, I will tell you that like most Metalcore bands AVRALIZE will go from slow and easy up to hard, heavy and uncompromising. I believe this is an acquirement if you wish to be successful in this business. There is one difference though with a lot of their colleagues/peers; they don’t go emo soft or over the top hard. No, they are quite capable of painting their songs within certain boundaries. Plus, by not adopting blastbeat speeds or depressingly slow rhythms they assure that “Freaks” becomes quite a pleasant listen. Everyone within AVRALIZE does what they do at a very high level. All instruments and voices on “Freaks” come together perfectly, with even the proper use of a saxophone sound when needed. I just wish that they would have added the information as to who does the computing/keyboards and if the saxophone was a real one or not. But, as I haven’t received any information at all, I can only guess.

As for the songs themselves, they are well, written, properly executed, professionally recorded and all have an excellent sound and atmosphere. But they are not in the outstanding class, just in the rather capable area of experience. Like I said, you have many sorts of bands in any genre, and AVRALIZE is one that domes in the category of good bands. What I do suspect is that when you have the chance to see them live, you will become on of the “Freaks” in the audience, because I feel that the songs on the album lend themselves brilliantly to being live favourites. I bet you will dance, headbang, mosh and slam, all in one during the concert. And that, my friends, is something to look forward to.

7 / 10









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"Freaks" Track-listing:


1 Lotus 4:47

2 Higher 4:12

3 Bright 4:27

4 Stab By Stab 2:58

5 Canvas 4:16

6 Alive 4:36

7 Overdose 5:21

8 Freaks 4:11


Avralize Lineup:


Severin Sailor – Vocals

Philipp Tenberken – Guitar

Bastian Gölz – Drums

Valentin Noack – Bass


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